El rebaño pequeño , en Lc. solamente. ποίμνιον (contraído de ποιμένιον), un rebaño (de ovejas), una designación familiar del cuerpo de creyentes en la era apostólica ( Hechos 20:28 ; 1 Pedro 5:3 ); μικρὸν agrega patetismo.

That Jesus applied this name to His disciples is very credible, though it may be that in the sense of the source from which Lk. drew, the little flock is the Jewish-Christian Church of Palestine subject to persecution from their unbelieving countrymen (J. Weiss in Meyer). The counsel “fear not” is Mt.'s “ take no thought for to-morrow,” but the “to-morrow” refers not to temporal but to spiritual things; hence the declaration following. Paraphrased = Fear not future want of food and raiment, still less loss of the kingdom, the object of your desire. Your Father will certainly give it.

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