João 16:31

Horae Homileticae de Charles Simeon


João 16:31. Jesus answered them, Do ye now believe?

THE meekness and gentleness of Christ were manifested on all occasions. Even his reproofs were tempered with inexpressible kindness, and fully justified the description given of him by the prophet, “He shall not break the bruised reed, nor quench the smoking flax.” He had been speaking plainly about his departure from the world: and his Disciples, understanding him somewhat better than before, were now confident that they believed in him. But he, knowing the very low state of their attainments, mildly reproved their mistaken confidence, and warned them of the sad discovery which they would shortly make of their unbelief. The mode in which our Lord put the question to them was very significant. To mark its true import, I will bring it before you,

I. In a way of explanation—

If we consider the question in connexion with the foregoing and following context, it will be found to contain several important truths:

1. That many think they believe, when they are wholly destitute of faith—

[The nature of faith is very little understood. It is generally supposed to be a mere assent to the Gospel as true; whereas it is a living operative principle, infused into the soul by the Holy Ghost [Note: Filipenses 1:29.]. From these mistaken views of faith, every one of course conceives himself to be a believer. The worldling, the self-righteous Pharisee, the sensualist, yea all, except avowed infidels, lay claim to this appellation; and, while they acknowledge themselves to need correction with respect to morals, have no idea at all that they need instruction with respect to their faith — — — This self-deception universally obtained among the unconverted Jews, who “trusted in Moses,” not doubting but that they believed his writings, though they shewed by their rejection of Christ, that they did not believe them [Note: João 5:45.]: and too much of the same spirit yet manifested itself in those who had become the stated followers of our Lord.]

2. That many, who have some faith, are yet much under the influence of unbelief—

[As for unregenerate men, they have no faith at all, no, not even in the plainest truths of our religion; for though they assent to many truths, they feel not the force, nor experience the vital influence of any. Nor, when faith is imparted to the soul, is unbelief altogether eradicated; yea, it will be well if the natural principle do not, in many and very alarming instances, overcome the new-created principle which ought to govern the whole man [Note: Gálatas 5:17.] — — — Thus it was with the Apostles in the passage before us: our Lord acknowledges that they were true believers [Note: ver. 27.]; but intimates that they would soon manifest, by their dereliction of him, how weak and insufficient their faith at present was. And thus it is with all, though in different degress, till they have been taught and disciplined in the school of Christ.]

3. That heavy trials will discover the state of our souls with respect to faith—

[Affliction is a touchstone whereby all our graces, and especially our faith, may be tried. If our faith be strong, we shall approve ourselves to God under the most arduous circumstances: if it be weak, we shall be ready to faint at the approach of any dangers we fear [Note: Mateus 14:30.], and to adopt sinful methods of attaining any ends we desire [Note: Gênesis 27:6.]. If we have nothing but a false faith, we shall “make shipwreck both of it and of a good conscience” as soon as ever we are brought into any storms of difficulty and temptation: if our troubles be of a spiritual nature, we shall flee from God, and reject his grace [Note: Gênesis 3:8.]: or if they arise from temporal things, we shall be offended with God, and condemn his providence. For the effects of weak faith we need look no further than to the passage before us. The immediate scope of our Lord’s question was, to put his disciples on their guard against their remaining unbelief; and, by warning them of their approaching fall, to encourage and facilitate their speedy recovery: and we may learn from their example that, if our faith be not increased in proportion to our trials, we shall surely faint in the day of adversity.]

If such truths be implied in the interrogation before us, we may well urge it upon you,


In a way of personal inquiry—

We are particularly exhorted to “examine ourselves whether we be in the faith [Note: 2 Coríntios 13:5.].” Let all of us then inquire into,

1. The reality of our faith—

[Before we conclude too confidently that we are believers, we should ask ourselves, Whence we obtained our faith? It is not a plant of nature’s growth; nor is it formed in us by human teaching. There is but one way in which it ever is or can be obtained, namely, by acknowledging our unbelief before God, and imploring him to create a lively faith in our hearts by his blessed Spirit. If we have never been “convinced of unbelief,” we have not yet one grain of real faith [Note: João 16:8.]. But if this inquiry be satisfactorily answered, we should further ask, How our faith operates? If it be genuine and scriptural, it will overcome the world, and work by love, and purify the heart [Note: 1 João 5:4.Gálatas 5:6; Atos 15:9.]. But has it these effects? — — — We are warned by God that “all men have not faith [Note: 2 Tessalonicenses 3:2.];” nor should we conclude that we have, unless we manifest it in its fruits.]

2. The degree of our faith—

[If we cannot ascertain precisely the degree of our faith, we yet have grounds whereon we may form some estimate. Are we enabled to realize the things which are invisible? This is a very principal office of faith; and in proportion as we are enabled to set God before our eyes, and to keep heaven in view, we may safely conclude that we have that principle, which alone can produce this effect. Do we maintain our hope under discouraging circumstances? This was the mark whereby the strength of Abraham’s faith was so fully known [Note: Romanos 4:18.]: and, if we be strong in faith, we shall be steadfast under heavy and long-protracted trials, and “against hope believe in hope.” Are we kept diligent in the way of duty? It is presumption, and not faith, that leads us to relax our diligence in the use of means: the more faith we have, the greater will be our activity in every good work [Note: 1 Tessalonicenses 1:3.]. The various offices of faith are fully delineated in the eleventh chapter of the Epistle to the Hebrews; and by comparing our spirit and conduct with that of the saints there mentioned, we may weigh ourselves in the balance of the sanctuary. In this way we may provide an answer to the interrogation in the text; and, instead of boasting as though we had attained, shall learn to reply, “Lord, I believe; help thou my unbelief.”]


[Trials must ere long come upon every soul amongst us: and then nothing but faith will support us [Note: 1 Pedro 1:5.]. And even now if our graces be examined, it will be found that our progress has been in exact proportion to our faith. Let us then pray with the Apostles, “Lord, increase our faith; that through it we may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.”]

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