João 8:39

Horae Homileticae de Charles Simeon


João 8:39. If ye were Abraham’s children, ye would do the works of Abraham.

THERE is in men an extreme readiness to deceive themselves in reference to their state before God. Any delusion, however absurd, shall serve them for a ground of hope; and they will cling to it with as much confidence as if it were an express declaration of God himself. The Jews conceived that the mere circumstance of their descent from Abraham was sufficient to justify their expectation of the Divine favour, at the very time that they were living in all manner of iniquity. John the Baptist expostulated with them upon this head: “Think not to say within yourselves, We have Abraham to our father; for I say unto you, that God is able of these stones to raise up children unto Abraham.” St. Paul also warned them, that “all were not Israel who were of Israel; neither, because they were all the seed of Abraham, were they therefore, in a higher and more refined sense, his children [Note: Romanos 9:6.].” No: “if they were Abraham’s children, in this sense,” they, as our blessed Lord here told his persecutors, would do the works of Abraham. Here we have a test whereby our spiritual relation to Abraham may be ascertained: and we shall do well to consider it,

I. For the informing of our judgment—

The more we enter into the true import of this declaration, the more shall we be convinced that it contains,

1. A reasonable test—

[There are enthusiasts in the world who will persuade themselves that they are the Lord’s people, because they have had a revelation of it from heaven, or a dream whereby it has been made known to them; or, because they have had some portion of the Holy Scriptures applied to their souls in so forcible a manner as to convince them that the testimony came to them from God himself. But all this is a mere delusion. I say not that God may not reveal to any man whatsoever he pleases: but I do say, that we have no reason whatever to expect that God will make known to us, by revelation, any thing which, without such a miraculous interference, may be easily and safely deduced from his blessed word. He has told us, that “a tree is to be known by its fruits;” and that the same means whereby we ascertain the quality of what is natural, must be used for the discovering of what is spiritual; or, in other words, that men are to be known and judged by the fruits which display themselves in their lives. This we all acknowledge to be reasonable, in forming our estimate of a tree; and it is no less so as a test for discovering the state and quality of our souls.]

2. An impartial test—

[There is no man whatever who may not here find a glass in which to behold his own face. The old, the young, the rich, the poor, the learned, the unlearned, may all judge themselves by this test. Of course, some allowance must be made for the different capacities of men, and the different opportunities which they have enjoyed of serving God. We do not expect the same degree of improvement from one who has possessed but two talents, which we look for from him who has had ten talents committed to his care. “From him to whom God has committed much, he will expect the more.” But, making due allowance for these circumstances, every child of man may apply to himself this test, and may form, by means of it, a just estimate of his real character.]

3. A certain test—

[We are assured, by our Lord himself, that “a good tree cannot bring forth corrupt fruit, nor can a bad tree bring forth good fruit.” There is but one principle in the world that will sanctify the soul, and that is faith. And this principle, if genuine, cannot but be productive of universal holiness. Hence we may lay it down as an infallible rule: “By this, the children of God are manifest, and the children of the devil: he that doeth not righteousness, is not of God [Note: 1 João 3:10.].”]

Now, then, let us adopt this test,


For the trying of our state—

Of course, our first endeavour must be to learn what were Abraham’s works; for, till we have ascertained that point, we cannot institute a comparison between him and us, or learn with any accuracy how far we resemble him. Now, our Lord complained of his hearers, that, instead of believing his word and obeying his voice, they sought to kill him: “Now ye seek to kill me, a man that hath told you the truth which I have heard of God. This did not abraham.” No:
Abraham believed all that God revealed to him, and obeyed all that God commanded him—

[God revealed to him, that he should have, by Sarah, a son, from whom should proceed a progeny numerous as the stars of heaven and as the sands upon the sea-shore; and, finally, a seed, in whom all the nations of the earth should be blessed. But no less than five-and-twenty years did he wait for this promised seed; even till, according to the course of nature, he could not have a child; he being one hundred years old, and Sarah ninety. But did his faith fail him? No: “he never once staggered at the promise through unbelief;” but against hope, he believed in hope; “being fully persuaded, that what God had promised, he was able also to perform [Note: Romanos 4:16.].”

At the same time that this revelation was given him, a command was also issued, that he should “leave his country, and his kindred, and his father’s house; and go to a land which should in due season be pointed out to him [Note: Gênesis 12:1.]:” and without hesitation did he yield obedience to this strange mandate [Note: Hebreus 11:8.]. Another more remarkable command was given him afterward, even to take this very child of promise, and offer him up for a burnt-offering on a mountain that should be pointed out to him. Instantly, without so much as communicating with his wife upon the subject, he took the lad, and prosecuted his journey with him, for the space of three days, to the place appointed; and there proceeded to offer him up, in the way that had been enjoined. Here was another act of obedience that never had its parallel since the foundation of the world [Note: Hebreus 11:17.]

Now, then, see whether you do these works of Abraham—
[Of course, we have not ourselves received either the same revelations or the same commands. But we may see whether we have the same principle of faith as he, and whether it operate to produce the like obedience. To us is that Promised Seed revealed; and we are told to look for all blessings from him. Yes, Christ is that Promised Seed, in whom alone can any child of man obtain the blessings of salvation. Are we then going to him, and relying on him, and receiving from him all that we need for the salvation of our souls? Are we looking to him daily, and to him alone, for “wisdom, and righteousness, and sanctification, and complete redemption?” O! inquire whether you are thus living a life of faith on the Son of God, as having loved you, and given himself for you — — —
Then see, whether, in compliance with God’s command, you have come out from the ungodly world, and set out upon a journey towards that land, that good land flowing with milk and honey, which, however, you never have seen, nor can see till your pilgrimage shall have come to a close. And are you, in your way thither, sacrificing to God your dearest interests and most darling lusts? Say, do you take your very Isaac, and sacrifice him with your own hand? This will shew you whose children you are: for none but a child of Abraham can ever so resemble that father of the faithful: whilst it is equally certain that “every child of his will thus walk in his steps [Note: Romanos 4:12.].”]


Make use then, I pray you, of this test, for the ascertaining of your state—

[You are not Christians because you were born of Christian parents, and have been educated in the Christian faith. True Christianity is seated in the heart, and displays itself in the life [Note: Romanos 2:28. Cite, and expatiate on this.] — — — And remember, there is no medium between children of God and children of the wicked one: so that, if it cannot be said with truth that God is your Father, it must be said, “Ye are of your father the devil [Note: ver. 44.]:” and with him must you take your portion, even “with him, whose ye are, and whom ye serve.” I pray you, then, “examine yourselves, whether ye be in the faith; and prove your own selves” with the utmost diligence; lest, while ye call yourselves Abraham’s children, and hope to “sit down with him for ever in the kingdom of your God,” you be disclaimed by him at the last, and be “thrust out of the mansion [Note: Lucas 13:28.]” where he dwells, and where no unclean thing can ever enter.]

2. And use also this example as a stimulus to your exertions—

[See the heights to which your father Abraham attained; and strive, to the utmost of your power, not to come short of them — — —]

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