Lucas 9:29-32

Horae Homileticae de Charles Simeon


Lucas 9:29. And as he prayed, the fashion of his countenance was altered, and his raiment was white and glistering. And, behold, there talked with him two men, which were Moses and Elias: who appeared in glory, and spake of his decease, which he should accomplish at Jerusalem. But Peter, and they that were with him, were heavy with sleep: and when they were awake, they saw his glory, and the two men that stood with him.

THEY, who were the immediate followers of our Lord, beheld him, for the most part, “a man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief;” but, lest they should “be offended in him,” and be tempted to forsake him, he sometimes spake to them of “that glory which he had with the Father before the world was,” and which he should resume as soon as ever the scenes of his present humiliation should be closed. On one occasion he condescended to give to three of them an ocular demonstration of his glory. The particulars are related in the passage before us; in opening which we shall consider,

I. The time and manner of his transfiguration—

Our Lord was at this time engaged in prayer—
[God has on many occasions signally manifested his regard to prayer. It was at the beginning of Daniel’s supplications that an angel was sent to reveal to him the period fixed for the Messiah’s advent [Note: Daniel 9:20.]. The reason that God assigned for sending Ananias to open the eyes of Saul was, “Behold, he prayeth [Note: Atos 9:11.].” Thus Jesus was at this time engaged in prayer. He had retired to a mountain for that very purpose: and this was the season which God chose for distinguishing him in this most signal manner. It is worthy of remark, that every time that God was pleased to bear testimony to his Son by an audible voice from heaven, it was either in, or immediately after prayer [Note: Lucas 3:21 and João 12:28.]. And if we cultivated more holy intimacy with God, he would more frequently vouchsafe to us also the special tokens of his love.]

“While he was praying,” his form was visibly and wonderfully changed—
[In his transfiguration, as it is called, the Godhead displayed itself through the veil of his human nature, his countenance shone like the meridian sun; and his very garments were so irradiated by the lustre of the indwelling Deity, that they were white and dazzling like the light, yea, “so white as no fuller on earth could whiten them [Note: Marcos 9:3.].” He had hitherto appeared only “in the form of a servant;” but now he appeared in his own proper form as God; at least, so far as his divine nature could be rendered visible to mortal eyes. Nor was this transfiguration intended as a mere ostentatious display of his glory: it was necessary perhaps for his support as man; that, when he should come into the scenes of his deepest humiliation, he might not faint. It was also well calculated to prepare his Disciples for that awful view of him, which they were afterwards to have, when they should see him in the garden, prostrate on the ground, bathed in a bloody sweat, and supplicating “with strong crying and tears” the removal of the cup which his Father had put into his hand.]

The history further informs us respecting,


His conversation with his attendants—

Moses and Elijah were sent from heaven to attend upon him—
[The body of Moses probably had been preserved, as that of Elijah had been translated to heaven, without suffering the total change which is usually effected by death. They were on this occasion arrayed “in glory,” somewhat like to their divine Master, though, of course, they were but as twinkling stars in comparison of the meridian sun. And there was a peculiar propriety that these should be selected to wait upon him, not only because they had been faithful and highly honoured servants of God, the one being the giver, and the other the restorer, of the law, but because they fitly represented the law and the prophets; and, in bearing testimony to him, resigned, as it were, their authority into his hands.]
These conversed with him respecting his own approaching death—
[One might have expected that they should have talked of heaven: but they had a subject in which all were yet more deeply interested; a subject, in which the inexhaustible treasures of divine wisdom and knowledge are contained; a subject, which fills all heaven with wonder, and which eternity itself will not be sufficient to unfold. Yes, that subject, universally exploded from the societies of men, was the one which occupied their attention during this delightful interview; “they spake of his decease which he should accomplish in Jerusalem.” O what do we lose by lending ourselves so entirely to other topics, and so totally discarding this! And how infatuated are men, that, even in the society of their dearest friends, they do not improve their hours by conversing on a subject of such universal importance!]
Nor were his earthly followers wholly excluded. We read of,


The peculiar privilege granted to some of his disciples—

Some more distinguished favourites were admitted to this heavenly vision—
[Christ has sanctified human friendships by manifesting the same attachments as are common among men. He not only chose twelve out of the body of his Disciples to be his stated followers, but admitted three of them to more peculiar intimacy than the rest: and even of these three there was one, who lay, as it were, in his bosom, and was called, by way of eminence, “The Disciple whom he loved.” But the three, who had been taken up to the mountain to spend their time in prayer, had fallen asleep, and lost thereby much of the vision, which they might have seen, and of the conversation, which they might have heard. Alas! What an irreparable loss did they sustain! Well might Jesus have said to them, “Sleep on now and take your rest.” But the effulgence of his glory roused them at last, and they both beheld this bright assemblage of persons, and heard the sublime discourse which passed between them. Happy were their eyes which saw, and their ears which heard, such things! Can we wonder that Peter should exclaim, It is good for us to be here! and that he should propose to erect tents for the accommodation of Christ and his heavenly guests, regardless of his own ease, if he might but protract his present enjoyments? But though well meant, it was an ignorant proposal; for it was needful both for themselves and for the world, that they should speedily resume their wonted labours, and fulfil the work assigned them. Peter however may well be excused, for “he knew not what he said.”]
They also heard the testimony, which the Father on that occasion bore to Christ—
[While the Apostles were wishing to rest in their present comforts, they were overshadowed with a cloud, and their joys were turned into fear and dread. The cloud perhaps was like that which guided the Israelites through the wilderness as a symbol of the Divine presence: and what can we expect, but that, as sinners, they should tremble at the near approach of the divine Majesty? But the testimony which they heard, amply compensated their transient fears: their divine Master was proclaimed as the only beloved Son of God; and they were bidden to “hear him” him chiefly, him constantly, him exclusively. Such was the singular honour conferred on him: and though they were forbidden to mention it for a season, lest it should provoke their enemies to wrath, and their fellow-disciples to jealousy, yet doubtless it tended much to support them in their subsequent conflicts.]


How indisputable is the truth of our holy religion—

[This was a most remarkable testimony to the character of Jesus; and it was given by God himself: and would God interpose in this manner in order to deceive? or could those Disciples be mistaken in what they so plainly saw with their eyes, and heard with their ears? Surely, strange as the tidings of the Gospel may be thought, here is evidence enough that it is “not a cunningly devised fable.” It is remarkable that St. Peter selects this very event out of the many thousands to which he was a witness, in order to establish beyond a doubt the truth of that doctrine which he preached [Note: 2 Pedro 1:16.]. Let us then receive that Gospel which is so well authenticated, so firmly established. Let us “hear Jesus,” our divinely appointed Teacher, and make him “our beloved” Saviour, “in whom our souls are well pleased.”]

2. How diversified are the states of God’s people upon earth!

[These highly favoured Disciples were now upon the mount; but they were soon to descend into the valley again, and to go “through much tribulation in their way to the kingdom.” Thus it is with all the Lord’s people: the present is at best a chequered scene: nor is trouble ever nearer to us than when we are saying, “My mountain standeth strong; I shall never be moved [Note: Salmos 30:6.].” Let us then be thankful for any seasons of joy; but never be so elated by them as to wish to set up tabernacles here, or to forget that we may soon experience a sad reverse: yea, let us rather improve our joys as means of strengthening us for future conflicts.]

3. What a glorious place must heaven be!

[It must have been inexpressibly delightful to have beheld, though for so short a time, this heavenly vision: but what must it be to “see Jesus as he is,” in all the full blaze of divine majesty; to see him, not attended with two only, but with ten thousands of his saints; and to hear, not a conversation about future sufferings, hut songs of everlasting joy and triumph? What must it be to see and hear such things; ourselves resembling the Lord Jesus; our “bodies fashioned like unto his glorious body,” and our souls “shining above the sun in the firmament;” our body no longer to become torpid through sloth, nor our soul to be agitated by surprise or terror; but in the perfect exercise of all our faculties to participate that glory, with a full assurance that it shall never end? Well may we then say, It is good for us to be here. Then we shall need no tabernacles, for “we shall dwell in the temple of our God, and shall go no more out [Note: Apocalipse 3:12.].” May we all be counted worthy of that honour! may we be admitted to the enjoyment of that beatific vision; that “when Christ, who is our life, shall appear, we also may appear with him in glory!”]

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