Mateus 14:30-31

Horae Homileticae de Charles Simeon


Mateus 14:30. But when he saw the wind boisterous, he was afraid; and beginning to sink, he cried, saying, Lord, save me. And immediately Jesus stretched forth his hand, and caught him, and said unto him, O thou of little faith, wherefore didst thou doubt?

MEN’S constitutional propensities are apt to betray them into many errors. Whatever be the natural frailties of any person, they usually form the weak part of his character even to his latest hour. The force of them is no where more strongly exhibited than in the conduct of Peter. He was of a bold, forward, confident disposition. This led him on many occasions to act with indiscretion and often brought upon him a just reproof. In the passage before us he needlessly solicited a trial of his faith, and the experiment terminated in his shame.
The account given of it in the text, leads us to observe,

I. That we should not unnecessarily expose ourselves to temptation—

[Peter doubtless was in part actuated by faith and love: but, in soliciting permission to display the grace of which he supposed himself possessed, he erred. There was no more occasion for him to venture thus upon the waters, than for any other of the Apostles to do it. And, in affecting this distinction above all his brethren, he betrayed a considerable measure of pride and vain glory: and, in acceding to his request, our Lord chiefly designed to make him sensible of his own weakness. In fact, this attempt to display his faith and courage, was overruled for the discovering of his cowardice and unbelief and of putting him to shame for his overweening conceit and forwardness. And thus will God deal with us, if, under an idea of our ability to withstand temptation, we expose ourselves needlessly to its assaults. Who does not see the folly of Dinah in going to visit the daughters of an heathen people, and of subjecting herself to the temptation by which she fell? Yet is her example followed by thousands amongst ourselves, who associate with ungodly companions, and frequent places of vain amusement, and expose themselves to temptations of various kinds, under an idea that they “can take fire in their bosoms, and not be burned!” But their folly will sooner or later be manifest, even as Peter’s was. As then our Lord cautions us against worldly-mindedness by the example of Lot’s wife, so would I caution all of you, my brethren, against self-confidence by the sad example of Peter. On another occasion, Peter sinned yet far more grievously through a mistaken notion of his power to maintain his integrity. He went from mere idle curiosity to see the issue of his master’s trial in the hall of Pilate, and there he denied his Lord with oaths and curses. And what may result from an unnecessary exposure of yourselves to temptation, God alone knows. But I would put you all upon your guard, and say to every one amongst you, ‘Remember Peter’s infirmity, with the danger consequent upon it.’

But you may further learn from this history,]


That, if in the way of providence we are called to trials, we need not fear them—

[When Peter had once obtained his Lord’s command to come to him upon the waters, he had no occasion for fear. If the water was made so firm as to sustain his weight, what reason had he to fear the waves? Hence our Lord justly reproved his unbelief, saying, “O thou of little faith, wherefore didst thou doubt?” In this he has shewn how weak we all are, when we come into temptation. Though we ourselves, both in body and soul, are living miracles, yet we forget the power that has hitherto upheld us, and are ready to tremble at the prospect of some overwhelming calamity, as though it were impossible for us to support it. The Hebrews had seen all God’s wonders in Egypt, and yet on every fresh occasion of difficulty they yielded to desponding apprehensions. And thus we also are prone to fear, whenever any heavy trial occurs. But if we saw an armed host behind us, and an impassable ocean before our face, we should not question for a moment the power or veracity of God, but say to the one, “Who art thou, O great mountain? before Zerubbabel, thou shalt become a plain;” and to the other, “God will make the depths of the sea a way for the ransomed to pass over.” All that we have to ascertain is, whether we are in the path of duty: and, if in that respect we can see the pillar and the cloud leading the way, we need not fear all that either men or devils can do against us. This was the experience of David [Note: Salmos 46:1.], and it should be ours. For it is certain,]


That whatever trials we may be brought into, the prayer of faith will be effectual for our deliverance—

[“Lord, save me!” cried Peter in his extremity: and the hand of Jesus, stretched out, saved him instantly from his peril. And where shall we find, in all the sacred records, one instance of any person calling upon the Lord in vain? The troubles of David were on many occasions exceeding heavy; yet did the prayer of faith procure for him deliverance from them all [Note: Salmos 40:1.]. And thus shall it prove with us, if only, with the simplicity of Peter’s affiance, we cry, “Lord, save me!” Let us suppose that we were, in a spiritual view, in the very predicament of Peter: let us suppose that, under loads of guilt and storms of corruption, we felt ourselves sinking into perdition; the Publican’s prayer, uttered from the heart, should prevail to allay the storm, and to bring us in safety to the haven of eternal rest. Only let us not limit either the power or grace of Christ, and we shall “be saved by him with an everlasting salvation.”]


The presumptuous—

[No man, whatever he may have attained, is at liberty to expose himself to needless temptations. The injunction given to every child of man is, “Be not high-minded, but fear:” “Let him that thinketh he standeth, take heed lest he fall.” To young people especially would I give this salutary caution: ‘To rush into temptation without necessity, is to tempt the Lord.’ It is only whilst with all holy watchfulness we “keep ourselves,” that we can hope effectually to be preserved by God.]

2. The doubtful—

[The reproof given to Peter, “O thou of little faith; wherefore didst thou doubt?” is justly applicable to us, if, under any circumstances whatever, we yield to a desponding spirit. For, is not the Lord Jesus present with us? and is he not as able to save as ever! What if, with Jonah, we were “brought, as it were, into the very belly of hell,” could not the same power as restored him deliver us also [Note: João 2:1.]? Only take the promises of God for your support, and they shall never fail you: for “they are all yea and Amen in Christ Jesus [Note: 2 Coríntios 1:20.]

3. The confirmed believer—

[You, if in other respects you are walking uprightly, bring much glory to your God. There is nothing that honours God so much as faith, and nothing that dishonours him so much as unbelief. Other sins pour contempt upon the law: but unbelief reflects upon the Lawgiver, as calling in question his veracity, or power, or love. Be ye then as lights in a dark world. The world look only to second causes: you must shew them that every thing, even to the falling of a sparrow, is under the direction of the first Great Cause, who alone is worthy to be regarded with either fear or love. At the same time let your confidence in God be humble, without ostentation before men, and without unhallowed boldness before God. Then may you expect to be preserved from all dangers; and both the Church and the world will be edified by your example.]

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