Mateus 1

Horae Homileticae de Charles Simeon

Mateus 1:21-23

21 Ela dará à luz um filho, e você deverá dar-lhe o nome de Jesus, porque ele salvará o seu povo dos seus pecados".

22 Tudo isso aconteceu para que se cumprisse o que o Senhor dissera pelo profeta:

23 "A virgem ficará grávida e dará à luz um filho, e lhe chamarão Emanuel" que significa "Deus conosco".


Mateus 1:21. Thou shalt call his name Jesus: for He shall save his people from their sins. Now all this was done that it might be fulfilled which was spoken of the Lord by the prophet, saying, Behold, a virgin shall be with child, and shall bring forth a son, and they shall call his name Emmanuel, which being interpreted is, God with us.

THE dispensations of Providence are extremely dark and intricate: the things which appear most afflictive often prove to be the richest mercies that could have been vouchsafed to us. This was remarkably verified in the history before us. Joseph was espoused to a virgin of consummate piety; but, before their nuptials, she proved to be in a state which gave him reason to suspect her fidelity. Desiring to exercise all the lenity which the case would admit of, he determined to put her away privily. How distressing must such an event have been to this holy man! But God sent an angel to unfold to him the mystery, to declare the ends for which the child should be born, and to impose on the infant a name, that should mark his office in the world.

I. The appointment of the name—

God had often condescended to assign names to men—
[Sometimes he had made an alteration in their names [Note: Abram and Sarai to Abraham and Sarah.]; and sometimes totally changed them [Note: Jacob to Israel.]. Sometimes he had assigned a name before the child was conceived [Note: John, Lucas 1:13.]. In these things he always acted with unerring wisdom. When men have attempted to give significant appellations, they have only manifested how ignorant they were of futurity [Note: Eve named her first child “Cain,” which signifies getting: thinking perhaps that she had now gotten the promised Seed: having probably soon discovered her mistake, she called her second son “Abel,” which signifies vanity. But how misnamed were both! This proved a martyr for his God; and that, a murderer of his own brother.]. But God sees all things from the beginning to the end. And his designation of Christ’s name was a prognostic of his character.]

The appellation given to the Virgin’s son was peculiarly suitable—
[“Jesus” simply means a Saviour [Note: Atos 13:23.]; and was a common name among the Jews. It was sometimes assigned to those who were great deliverers [Note: Neemias 9:27.]. It had been given in a peculiar manner to the son of Nun [Note: Números 13:16. Which name is precisely the same with “Jesus” and is so translated, Atos 7:45 and Hebreus 4:8.]. He was eminently a Saviour, as leading the Israelites into the promised land, which Moses was not permitted to do [Note: Deuteronômio 1:37.]. But Christ, whom he typified, is a far greater deliverer. He “does that for us which the law could not do [Note: Romanos 8:3.Atos 13:39.].” He leads the true Israel of God into the heavenly Canaan.]

So remarkable an event may justly lead us to inquire into,


The reason of that appointment—

Waving all other reasons, we notice two before us:

1. To fulfil a prophecy—

[Isaiah had foretold that the Messiah should be called Emmanuel [Note: Isaías 7:14.]. From the event it appears, that God did not intend this prophecy to have a literal accomplishment. We may expect however that the spirit of it should be accomplished. Now the name “Jesus” was in fact equivalent to Emmanuel. “Jesus” means “Divine Saviour;” and Emmanuel, God with us [Note: See Bishop Pearson on the Creed, p. 70, 71.]. And the Evangelist himself tells us, that the imposition of that name was in order to the fulfilment of this prophecy [Note: Mateus 1:22.]

2. To declare the infant’s office and character—

[The virgin’s child was to be the Saviour of the world. He was to save his people by price, and by power. They were under sentence of eternal condemnation. His life was the ransom to be paid for their souls [Note: Mateus 20:28.]. Hence they are called his purchased possession [Note: Efésios 1:14. See also 1 Coríntios 6:20 and 1 Pedro 1:18.]. They were also in bondage to sin and Satan [Note: Lucas 11:21; 2 Timóteo 2:26.]. And he was to make them a peculiar people, zealous of good works [Note: Tito 2:14.]. Yea, he was ultimately to place them beyond the reach of all the penalties and pollutions of sin. It was of importance that this great work should he represented in his very name. And the text informs us that the name was given him for this very purpose.]


The interest we should take in it—

[Surely most precious should the name of Jesus be to all his followers. What benefit can be bestowed like salvation from sin? A deliverance from its dominion is an unspeakable blessing. The godly desire it no less than deliverance from hell itself. Deliverance too from its penalties is an inconceivable mercy. O, how delightful is pardon to a burthened conscience How sweet is a sense of God’s favour in a dying hour! What joy must the glorified soul possess in the day of judgment! Yet Jesus has bought it all for us with his own most precious blood, and has bestowed it freely on all his faithful followers. He will impart it liberally to all who will believe on him. Is there not reason then for that divine anathema [Note: 1 Coríntios 16:22.]—? Will not the very stones cry out against those who refuse to praise him? Let Jesus then be precious to us all. Let us adopt the grateful strains of that sweet Psalmist of Israel [Note: Salmos 103:1.]—.]

I cannot conclude without a short address, to those who make this a season of carnal mirth—

[The great majority of Christians seem to think that the incarnation of Christ gives them a greater licence to commit sin. And this impious thought greatly aggravates their guilt. But what madness is it to imagine that they can ever be saved in such a state. If they could, the angel should have assigned a very different reason for the appointment of Jesus’ name [Note: He should rather have said, “He shall save his people in their sins.]. In that case, Christ would have been a minister of sin. But who must not, with the Apostle, express his abhorrence of such a thought [Note: Gálatas 2:17.]? Our Lord has plainly told us what shall ere long be his address to self-deceiving sinners [Note: Mateus 7:23.]—. Let us then improve the incarnation of Christ for the ends for which he came; and tremble lest we provoke the Saviour himself to become our inexorable destroyer.]







1278. Mateus 1:21.

Import of the Names given to Christ

1279. Mateus 2:1.

The Wise Men seeking Christ

1280. Mateus 2:10.

The Joy of the Magi

1281. Mateus 2:16; Mateus 2:18.

The Slaughter of the Infants

1282. Mateus 3:7.

John’s Address to those who came to be baptized of him

1283. Mateus 3:11.

The Baptism of the Spirit

1284. Mateus 3:12.

The Issue of the final Judgement

1285. Mateus 3:15.

Fulfilling all Righteousuness

1286. Mateus 4:1.

Christ’s Temptation

1287. Mateus 4:18.

The Call of four Apostles

1288. Mateus 5:1.

The Blessedness of the Humble

1289. Mateus 5:5.

Christian Meekness

1290. Mateus 5:6.

Hungering and Thirsting after Righteousness

1291. Mateus 5:7.

The Reward of Mercifulness

1292. Mateus 5:8.

Purity of Heart

1293. Mateus 5:9.

The Peace-makers

1294. Mateus 5:10.

Persecution for Righteousness Sake

1295. Mateus 5:13.

Christians the Salt of the Earth

1296. Mateus 5:14.

Christians the Light of the World

1297. Mateus 5:17.

The Law and the Prophets confirmed

1298. Mateus 5:19.

The Danger of little Sins

1299. Mateus 5:20.

Evangelic and Pharisaic Righteousness compared

1300. Mateus 5:21.

Christ’s Exposition of the Sixth Commandment

1301. Mateus 5:23.

Necessity of Reconciliation with Men

1302. Mateus 5:25.

Importance of Reconciliation with God

1303. Mateus 5:27.

Our Lord’s Exposition of the Seventh Commandment

1304. Mateus 5:29.

The Necessity of mortifying every Sin

1305. Mateus 5:31.

Divorces forbidden

1306. Mateus 5:33.

Swearing forbidden

1307. Mateus 5:38.

Retaliation forbidden

1308. Mateus 5:42.

Liberality enjoined

1309. Mateus 5:43.

Love to Enemies enjoined

1310. Mateus 5:47.

Christians do more than others

1311. Mateus 6:1.

Directions respecting Alms-deeds

1312. Mateus 6:5.

Directions respecting Prayer

1313. Mateus 6:9.

Hallowing God’s Name

1314. Mateus 6:10.

The Lord’s Prayer

1315. Mateus 6:11.

The Lord’s Prayer

1316. Mateus 6:12.

The Lord’s Prayer

1317. Mateus 6:13.

The Lord’s Prayer

1318. Mateus 6:13.

The Lord’s Prayer

1319. Mateus 6:14.

A forgiving Spirit necessary to our Acceptance with God

1320. Mateus 6:16.

Directions respecting Fasting

1321. Mateus 6:19.

Laying up Treasures in Heaven

1322. Mateus 6:22.

The Single Eye

1323. Mateus 6:24.

The Services of God and Mammon inconsistent

1324. Mateus 6:25.

Against Carefulness

1325. Mateus 7:1.

Against uncharitable judging

1326. Mateus 7:3; Mateus 7:6.

The Beam and the Mote

1327. Mateus 7:6.

Caution to be used in reproving

1328. Mateus 7:7.

The Importance and Efficacy of Prayer

1329. Mateus 7:9.

God’s Readiness to give his Holy Spirit

1330. Mateus 7:12.

The doing as we would be done unto.

1331. Mateus 7:13.

The Strait and Narrow Ways

1332. Mateus 7:15.

Men known by their Fruits

1333. Mateus 7:21.

Nature and Importance of true Religion

1334. Mateus 7:24.

The Wise Builder

1335. Mateus 7:28.

The Effect of our Lord’s Preaching

1336. Mateus 8:19.

How we are to follow Christ

1337. Mateus 8:27.

Christ stilleth the Tempest

1338. Mateus 9:13.

Mercy before Sacrifice

1339. Mateus 9:28.

Two Blind Men healed

1340. Mateus 9:36.

Our Duty to the benighted World

1341. Mateus 10:5.

Limited Commission of the Apostles

1342. Mateus 10:8.

Diffusion of the Gospel, a Duty

1343. Mateus 10:16.

Wisdom and Innocence to be united

1344. Mateus 10:22.

Enduring unto the End

1345. Mateus 10:30.

Doctrine of a particular Providence

1346. Mateus 10:32.

The Rule of Christ’s Procedure in the Last Day

1347. Mateus 11:4.

Christ’s Answer to John’s Disciples

1348. Mateus 11:11.

Christ’s Commendation of John

1349. Mateus 11:28.

The Heavy-laden invited to Christ

1350. Mateus 11:29.

Christ a meek and lowly Teacher

1351. Mateus 12:6.

Christ greater than the Temple

1352. Mateus 12:18.

Compassion of Christ towards the Weak

1353. Mateus 12:22.

Blind and dumb Demoniac healed

1354. Mateus 12:30.

Decided Adherence to Christ

1355. Mateus 12:31.

The Sin against the Holy Ghost

1356. Mateus 12:36.

Idle Words to be accounted for

1357. Mateus 12:39.

Jonah a Type of Christ

1358. Mateus 12:43.

The Relapsed Demoniac

1359. Mateus 12:46.

Christ’s Regard to his obedient Followers

1360. Mateus 13:13.

The Use and Intent of Parables

1361. Mateus 13:18.

The Sower

1362. Mateus 13:33.

Leaven hid in Meal

1363. Mateus 13:36.

The Tares

1364. Mateus 13:44.

The Hidden Treasure

1365. Mateus 13:45.

The Pearl of great Price

1366. Mateus 13:47.

The Net

1367. Mateus 13:52.

The Householder

1368. Mateus 14:26.

Christ walking on the Sea

1369. Mateus 14:30.

Peter saved when sinking in the Sea

1370. Mateus 15:7.

Formal Worshippers, Hypocrites

1371. Mateus 15:28.

The Daughter of the Canaanitess dispossessed

1372. Mateus 15:30.

Great Multitudes Healed

1373. Mateus 16:6.

Against Formality and Indifference

1374. Mateus 16:15.

Peter’s Confession rewarded

1375. Mateus 16:21.

Peter’s mistaken Tenderness reproved

1376. Mateus 16:24.

Importance of a Christian’s Duty

1377. Mateus 16:26.

The Worth of the Soul

1378. Mateus 17:10.

Elijah’s Advent in John Baptist

1379. Mateus 17:27.

Christ paying the Tribute Money

1380. Mateus 18:1.

A little Child

1381. Mateus 18:14.

The Security of God’s Children

1382. Mateus 18:19.

The Efficacy of social Prayer

1383. Mateus 18:32.

The Unmerciful Servant

1384. Mateus 20:6.

The Labourers

1385. Mateus 21:16.

Children vindicated

1386. Mateus 21:18.

The Fig-tree cursed

1387. Mateus 21:28.

The Two Sons

1388. Mateus 22:2.

The Marriage Feast

1389. Mateus 22:5.

The Sin of making light of Christ

1390. Mateus 22:11.

The Wedding Garment

1391. Mateus 22:41.

An Inquiry into our Views of Christ

1392. Mateus 22:42.

Christ the Son and Lord of David

1393. Mateus 23:8.

Our Relation to Christ and to each other

1394. Mateus 23:37.

Christ’s Compassion

1395. Mateus 24:12.

Caution against Declension in Religion

1396. Mateus 25:10.

The Ten Virgins

1397. Mateus 25:22.

The Talents

1398. Mateus 25:34; Mateus 25:41; Mateus 25:46.

The Day of Judgment

1399. Mateus 25:35.

The Importance of Charitable Exertions

1400. Mateus 26:24.

Fearful Prospect of the Impenitent

1401. Mateus 26:29.

The Lord’s Supper

1402. Mateus 26:53.

Christ’s Apprehension

1403. Mateus 26:56.

Christ forsaken by his Disciples

1404. Mateus 26:63.

Our Lord’s Condemnation

1405. Mateus 26:67.

The Indignities offered to Christ

1406. Mateus 27:3.


1407. Mateus 27:9.

The Disposal of the Money paid to the Traitor Judas

1408. Mateus 27:24.

Pilate’s Protest

1409. Mateus 27:26.

The Indignities offered to our Lord

1410. Mateus 27:38.

The Mocking of Christ upon the Cross

1411. Mateus 27:45.

The Supernatural Darkness

1412. Mateus 27:51.

Signs attendant on our Lord’s Death

1413. Mateus 27:62.

The Guarding of the Sepulchre

1414. Mateus 28:6.

The Resurrection

1415. Mateus 28:18.

The Apostles’ Commission