Mateus 18:19,20

Horae Homileticae de Charles Simeon


Mateus 18:19. Again I say unto you, That if two of you shall agree on earth as touching any thing that they shall ask, it shall be done for them of my Father which is in heaven. For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.

GOD has mercifully provided for the peace and welfare of his Church, by appointing, that disputes amongst his people shall be referred to arbitrators in the first instance, and, in the failure of that, to the decision of those who bear rule in the Church: and he has engaged to ratify in heaven the sentence which they shall pass on earth. This supposes, indeed, that they who are appointed to judge, are men of real piety and strict integrity; and that they implore from him that wisdom which is profitable to direct and regulate their judgment.
He has also provided for their welfare, by encouraging them, individually and collectively, to spread their wants before him in prayer, assuring them, that they shall never apply to him in vain.
Let us consider,

I. The promise here given us—

A gracious answer to our prayers is here promised to us,

1. Individually—

[Supposing that two persons, feeling deeply in their own souls their spiritual wants, agree to spread those wants before God in prayer, and to implore help from him; our Lord assures them, that they shall obtain what they ask for, at the hands of a gracious God and Father. True indeed, each person asking for himself, is encouraged to expect from God a supply of all needful blessings: but a particular assurance is given where two persons unite in prayer; because, by the agreement which is entered into between them respecting the blessings they shall ask, there is a more ample acknowledgment of God’s power and grace than is usually found in the petitions of a single individual, and at the same time a more enlarged exercise of faith and hope. Only conceive of them as agreeing respecting the extreme pressure of their wants, and the utter incapacity of any creature to relieve them—then, respecting the condescension and grace of God, who is both able and willing to supply all their need—and, lastly, as encouraging each other to expect from God the fulfilment of all his promises—and you will see immediately what reason there is for them to expect an answer to their united prayers, beyond what there would be to the petitions of a solitary individual.

Of course, the promise here given can relate only to those things which, when bestowed, will promote the best interests of the petitioners, and the honour of Almighty God. But with this only limitation, they may “open their mouths as wide as they will, and God will fill them.”]

2. Collectively—

[In the house of God we are to assemble “in the name of Jesus Christ;” that is, in obedience to him as our Lord, and in dependence on him as our Saviour. The whole Church ought, from time to time, to assemble for prayer: but, even if there be only two or three in number, they shall not on that account lose the blessings which they implore. God will honour the ordinances of his own appointment, and confer on his waiting people all the blessings which they stand in need of — — —]

Such is the promise of God to his Church and people: to estimate which aright, we should mark


The security we have for the performance of it—

The Lord Jesus assigns this as a ground of assurance to the suppliants: “It shall be done for them by my Father which is in heaven: for, where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.” Now, as the Shechinah, the bright symbol of the Deity, was in the holy of holies, and answers to prayer were obtained by the high-priest from it; so is Jesus ever in his Church, to give an answer of peace to his suppliant and believing people.
It is here supposed, that, whether individually or collectively, the suppliants draw nigh to God “in the name of Jesus Christ”—
[There is no access to God, for any man, but through Him — — — nor any danger of repulse to “any man that comes unto God by him.” God has said, that “not one such person shall ever in any wise be cast out” — — —]
Jesus Christ himself is already there, to secure to his believing people an answer to their prayers—
[He has said, “Lo, I am with you alway, even to the end of the world [Note: Mateus 28:20.].” And he is in the midst of them, on purpose to bless them [Note: Êxodo 20:24.].” He is expressly empowered by the Father to hear and answer their petitions. He has said, “Whatsoever ye shall ask in my name, that will I do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son [Note: João 14:13.].” See, then, what security this affords us that our petitions shall be heard. He came down from heaven for us: he assumed our nature, and died for us on the cross: he ascended to heaven to intercede for us: he had all fulness committed to him for us, on purpose that we might receive out of it according to our necessities. When, therefore, he hears us pleading the merit of his blood, and looking to him for the very blessings which he purchased for us, can we suppose that he will cast out our prayer? No: we may assure ourselves, that, as “he is in the midst” of his praying people, no prayer of theirs shall ever go forth in vain. Whether they be many or few, it shall make no difference with him: he will hear, and answer, and do for us “far beyond all that we can either ask or think” — — —]

See, then,

With what pleasure we should attend the house of God—

[Were it proclaimed abroad, that, at a certain time and place, all who would come should assuredly meet the Lord Jesus Christ, in the very body that he possessed on earth, no church in the universe would be large enough to contain one half of the people who would be assembled together. Yet, what would it be to see him with our bodily eyes, in comparison of seeing him by faith, as we do in his house of prayer? Dear brethren, those who beheld him in the flesh, were not near so highly privileged as you, who “behold the glory of God shining in his face” through every page of his blessed Gospel. O estimate your privileges aright; and you will account the ordinances of the Gospel precious beyond the powers of language to express.]

2. What improvement we should make of social converse—

[We should endeavour, not so much to amuse, as to edify our friends. Do but think what is here promised, that “if only two be agreed respecting what they shall ask, they may obtain it by their united supplications.]; I almost wonder that, with our friends, we can find time to talk of any thing but our mutual wants, or to occupy ourselves in any thing but united supplications. At all events, we cannot but see what should be the daily habit of endeared friends, and especially of those who are united in wedded life. Dear brethren, know your privileges, and learn to make such an improvement of them as shall further and secure the eternal welfare of your souls.]

Veja mais explicações de Mateus 18:19,20


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