Pero no somos de los que se apartan para perdición, sino de los que creen para salvación del alma.

Con todos estos hechos para estimularlos en su vida cristiana, el escritor bien puede agregar la exhortación final: No deseches, entonces, tu confianza, porque tiene una rica esperanza de recompensa; porque os es necesaria la paciencia, para que, después de haber hecho la voluntad de Dios, podáis recibir la promesa. El recuerdo de lo que ya habían sufrido y la conciencia de su posesión duradera en el cielo son los mejores y más urgentes motivos para mantener a los cristianos firme y alegremente confiados.

Porque esta esperanza ciertamente no avergonzará, ya que tiene la promesa de la más maravillosa recompensa de la gracia, a saber, la salvación eterna por los méritos de Jesucristo. Así, el resultado y la recompensa que siguen a su firme confianza es en sí mismo una razón que debería incitarlos al mayor fervor y los mayores esfuerzos. Al mismo tiempo, necesitan esta paciencia, porque las circunstancias y condiciones ciertamente no favorecen a los cristianos en su posición en medio de un mundo que es enemigo de la causa de Cristo.

Pero es sólo perseverando hasta el fin, aferrándose a la fe en Cristo y haciendo la voluntad de Dios mientras dure la vida, que la recompensa prometida llegará, Apocalipsis 2:10 .

That this prospect, which holds out the idea of the cross, which is the lot of the Christians, might not discourage them, the author adds: For yet a little, a very little while, and He that is coming will have come and will not delay. See Oseas 2:3: Isaías 26:20.

It may often seem to the believers as though they were about to be crushed under over whelming odds; but their final deliverance is near. It is only a little, a very little while, and the Lord will come for His second great advent, to judge the quick and the dead, to bring the enjoyment of everlasting salvation to His people. It may seem to some that He is delaying, that His promise will not come true; however, His day is coming just as sure as His word is the truth, 2 Pedro 3:8.

Keeping this in mind, the Christian will be upheld in his faith by the words of the Lord, Habacuc 2:4: Romanos 1:17; Gálatas 3:11: But My just one shall live by faith, and if he draw back, My soul has no pleasure in him.

Only he that to the end remains in the faith in Jesus Christ, that clings without wavering to the consolation of Christ's perfect merit, and does not permit himself to be turned aside by any consideration from within nor by any attack from without, shall live. Faithfulness and loyalty are the two virtues which must stand out in every believer.

Very diplomatically and tactfully the sacred writer concludes his admonition: But as for us, we are not of those that shrink to perdition, but of faith to the gaining of the soul. By including himself with his readers, the author makes his appeal all the more effective. The true believers are not characterized by such timid shrinking which results in giving up the confession of faith. Their faith may sometimes grow weak under the constant battering to which it is subjected, and may have anything but a heroic aspect.

Men of faith the Christians must be in spite of all attacks; for it is only thus that they acquire and hold their soul's salvation, that they obtain the deliverance of their souls, to be held as the most precious possession throughout eternity.


El autor inspirado compara la insuficiencia del culto del Antiguo Testamento con la única ofrenda voluntaria y perfecta de Cristo, añadiendo una exhortación urgente a ser firmes y pacientes en la fe y así obtener la salvación de las almas.

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