Nahum 2:1

He that dasheth in pieces is come up before thy face: keep the munition, watch the way, make thy loins strong, fortify thy power mightily. CELUI QUI MET EN PIÈCES - Le "battleax" de Dieu avec lequel Il "brise en morceaux" Ses ennemis. Jérémie 51:20 ("tu es ma hache de guerre") applique un terme h... [ Continuer la lecture ]

Nahum 2:2

For the LORD hath turned away the excellency of Jacob, as the excellency of Israel: for the emptiers have emptied them out, and marred their vine branches. CAR LE SEIGNEUR A DÉTOURNÉ L'EXCELLENCE DE JACOB - i: e., le moment du renversement de Ninive est mûr, parce que Jacob (Juda) et Israël (les... [ Continuer la lecture ]

Nahum 2:3

The shield of his mighty men is made red, the valiant men are in scarlet: the chariots shall be with The shield of his mighty men is made red, the valiant men are in scarlet: the chariots shall be with flaming torches in the day of his preparation, and the fir trees shall be terribly shaken. LE... [ Continuer la lecture ]

Nahum 2:4

The chariots shall rage in the streets, they shall justle one against another in the broad ways: they shall seem like torches, they shall run like the lightnings. LES CHARS FERONT RAGE DANS LES RUES - seront conduits à la hâte furieuse (Jérémie 46:9, "Come up , chevaux, et rage, chars »). ILS... [ Continuer la lecture ]

Nahum 2:5

He shall recount his worthies: they shall stumble in their walk; they shall make haste to the wall thereof, and the defence shall be prepared. Les préparatifs assyriens pour la défense. HE - le roi assyrien. DOIT RACONTER SES MÉRITES - (Nahum 3:18, "Tes bergers sommeillent, ô roi d'Assyrie; t... [ Continuer la lecture ]

Nahum 2:6

The gates of the rivers shall be opened, and the palace shall be dissolved. LES PORTES DES RIVIÈRES SERONT OUVERTES. Le mur du fleuve sur le Tigre (la défense ouest de Ninive) mesurait 4530 mètres de long . Sur les côtés nord, sud et est, il y avait de grandes douves, capables d'être facilement rem... [ Continuer la lecture ]

Nahum 2:7

And Huzzab shall be led away captive, she shall be brought up, and her maids shall lead her as with the voice of doves, tabering upon their breasts. HUZZAB - le nom de la reine de Ninive, d'une racine hébraïque [hutsab, de naatsab (H5324), pour régler ou réparer], ce qui implique qu'elle se tenai... [ Continuer la lecture ]

Nahum 2:8

But Nineveh is of old like a pool of water: yet they shall flee away. Stand, stand, shall they cry; but none shall look back. MAIS - plutôt, 'bien que' (G.V. Smith). EST DU VIEUX - plutôt, depuis les jours où elle a été, depuis la première période de son existence. Faisant allusion à l'antiqui... [ Continuer la lecture ]

Nahum 2:9

Take ye the spoil of silver, take the spoil of gold: for there is none end of the store and glory out of all the pleasant furniture. PRENEZ LE BUTIN D'ARGENT, PRENEZ LE BUTIN D'OR. Les conquérants sont appelés à piller la ville. La richesse de Ninive provenait du tribut annuel payé par tant d'Éta... [ Continuer la lecture ]

Nahum 2:10

She is empty, and void, and waste: and the heart melteth, and the knees smite together, and much pain is in all loins, and the faces of them all gather blackness. ELLE EST VIDE, VIDE ET GASPILLÉE - littéralement, le vide, le vide et la dévastation. L'accumulation de substantifs sans verbe (comme... [ Continuer la lecture ]

Nahum 2:11

Where is the dwelling of the lions, and the feedingplace of the young lions, where the lion, even the old lion, walked, and the lion's whelp, and none made them afraid? OÙ SE TROUVENT LA DEMEURE DES LIONS ET LE LIEU DE NOURRISSAGE DES JEUNES LIONS, OÙ MARCHAIENT LE LION, MÊME LE VIEUX LION, ET LE... [ Continuer la lecture ]

Nahum 2:12

The lion did tear in pieces enough for his whelps, and strangled for his lionesses, and filled his holes with prey, and his dens with ravin. LE LION ... A REMPLI SES TROUS DE PROIES ET SES TANIÈRES DE RAVIN - différentes sortes de proies. Comparez Ésaïe 3:1, "le séjour et le personnel", etc.... [ Continuer la lecture ]

Nahum 2:13

Behold, I am against thee, saith the LORD of hosts, and I will burn her chariots in the smoke, and the sword shall devour thy young lions: and I will cut off thy prey from the earth, and the voice of thy messengers shall no more be heard. VOICI ... JE VAIS BRÛLER SES CHARS DANS LA FUMÉE - ou, (p... [ Continuer la lecture ]

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