Atos 16:16-18

Horae Homileticae de Charles Simeon


Atos 16:16. And it came to pass, as we went to prayer, a certain damsel possessed with a spirit of divination met us, which brought her masters much gain by soothsaying: the same followed Paul and us, and cried, saying, These men are the servants of the most high God, which shew unto us the way of salvation. And this did she many days. But Paul, being grieved, turned and said to the spirit, I command thee in the name of Jesus Christ to come out of her. And he came out the same hour.

IT has been thought by many, that all which the Scriptures speak respecting the possession of men by Satan, is merely figurative; and that the effects ascribed to such possessions must be referred to other causes. Accordingly, the expulsion of evil spirits from men by Jesus Christ is considered by them as only a cure of some particular disorders. But, if there be some passages which may possibly admit of such an interpretation, there are others that cannot be so explained. The damsel of whom our text speaks, is represented as having “a spirit of divination;” which, according to the opinion of the fore-mentioned persons, was a mere fiction only, to impose upon the credulity of the weak. Her art is regarded as nothing more than a conspiracy between her and her masters to deceive the world by juggling and imposture. But, if this was the case, how could the command given by St. Paul to the spirit that was in her, prevent her from practising the same deceits in future! Yet it did dispossess her of talents with which she had before been endowed, and deprived her masters of all hope of further gain from the exercise of those talents [Note: ver. 19.]. This is a clear proof, that she had really been possessed by an evil spirit; and that that spirit had imparted to her powers, different from any that are common to the rest of mankind. Without stopping to enter into the general question of Satanic possessions, which we consider as sufficiently determined by the fact recorded in our text, we shall confine our attention to the account here given of the damsel that was possessed; and shall notice,

I. The testimony she bore respecting them—

In considering her testimony, we notice,

1. The design of it—

[We doubt not but that it was intended to bring the Apostles into disrepute, and to induce a suspicion that they were in confederacy with the devil — — — This was a scheme which Satan had long before practised in relation to our Lord himself, who, knowing his subtle intentions, repeatedly interposed with authority to prevent his further exercise of this device [Note: Lucas 4:33; Lucas 4:41.] — — —]

2. The substance was perfectly correct—

[The testimony itself; the Apostles were “the servants of the Most High God;” and their one employment was, “to shew unto men the way of salvation.” The same is true also respecting us: for though we are not called precisely in the same way as the Apostles were, nor have precisely the same commission given to us, yet we are truly “servants of God,” sent by him, as his ambassadors, to bring men into a state of reconciliation with him; and we trust that, as it is our office, so it is our delight, “to shew unto men the way of salvation.” “We come, preaching peace by Jesus Christ.” We declare that “Christ is the way, the truth, and the life; and that no man cometh unto the Father but by him” — — — On the other hand, we declare, that God “will cast out none who come to him” in that way; and that “Christ will save to the uttermost all who come unto God by him” — — —]

However gratifying we might suppose such a testimony to be, it was far from being acceptable to the Apostles; as we see by,


The conduct they observed respecting her—

1. For many days they waited, to see what God might do by her means: but at last they commiserated her state—

[St. Paul was “grieved” at her, as well he might be: for, whilst she was bearing this testimony from day to day, she sought not the way of salvation for her own soul, and obstructed, rather than promoted, the salvation of others.
And have not we similar cause for grief on account of multitudes around us? Yes truly. There are many who espouse the cause of faithful ministers, and profess to believe the truths they preach, whilst yet they are altogether slaves of sin and Satan — — — Now such are greatly to be pitied, both on account of the state of their own souls, and on account of the injury they do to the souls of others. As it respects themselves, their knowledge only aggravates their guilt [Note: João 3:19.]; and their casting a stumbling-block before others involves them in a heavier condemnation [Note: Mateus 18:7.] — — —]

2. They exerted themselves for her relief—

[Being endued with the power of working miracles, they commanded the evil spirit to come out of her: and that command, issued as it was in the name of Jesus Christ, instantly liberated her from her sore bondage.
To effect similar wonders is not in our power: but yet we are authorized to declare to men how they may obtain a similar deliverance. A believing application to Jesus will bring Omnipotence to their aid: and “the strong man armed” can no longer retain possession of their souls, when “the stronger than he,” even the Lord Jesus Christ, comes forth to eject him. Are there any then amongst you who know the truths of the Gospel without experiencing their sanctifying and saving efficacy? Cry mightily to the Lord; and he will work effectually in your behalf: yea, he will make use of the words which ye now hear, to “turn you from darkness unto light, and from the power of Satan unto God” — — —]

Now this subject opens the way to some important distinctions—
Let us learn from hence,

To distinguish between the advocates of the Gospel and the Gospel itself—

[If any were hardened in their infidelity by means of that damsel, they were exceeding blameable; for her testimony did not at all affect either the persons respecting whom it was borne, or the Gospel itself. The adversaries of the Gospel are very fond of referring to the characters of its advocates; and if they can find that any of its professors have dishonoured it by their conduct, they will bring that as an argument against the Gospel itself. But was Jesus an impostor, because demoniacs confessed him to be the Christ? Were the Apostles less to be regarded as servants of the Most High God, because this damsel, by Satanic agency, bore testimony to them under that character? Or was the path, which they pointed out to men as the way of salvation, less worthy to be trodden, because it received her sanction? So then, neither is the Gospel less worthy of acceptance because some dishonour it by their conduct; nor are we the more to be considered as deceivers, because there may be amongst our hearers some who “hold the truth in unrighteousness.” The Gospel is wholly independent both of those who preach it and those who profess it: we call upon you therefore to receive it with all humility of mind. Whatever be the character of its advocates or its opponents, it declares the only way in which a sinner can be saved: and to those who cordially embrace it, it shall be the power of God unto salvation — — —]

2. To distinguish between an approbation of the Gospel, and the actual experience of it in our own souls—

[Men, if they change their sentiments, and especially if they shew an attachment to the truths of the Gospel, are apt to think that they are truly converted unto God. But conversion is a change of heart, and not of sentiment only: it is “a renewing in the spirit of our mind.” Let us inquire then, not merely whether we are “turned from darkness unto light,” but whether we are “turned from the power of Satan unto God.” If we are still habitually under the power of Satan in any thing, we have no part nor lot in the Gospel salvation. Let us then search and try our hearts; and beg of God also to search and try us, lest we deceive our own souls, and perish in our sins. True it is, that if we receive the Gospel aright, we shall, like Lydia, shew a cordial attachment to those who are sent of God to dispense it to us: but we shall delight also in the commandments of our God; we shall live nigh to God in the constant exercise of prayer and praise; we shall grow up into his image, and be advancing from day to day in righteousness and true holiness. See to it then, brethren, that ye have these evidences of conversion; for “then shall ye not be ashamed, when ye have respect unto all God’s commandments.”]

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