Gênesis 28:15

Horae Homileticae de Charles Simeon


Gênesis 28:15. Behold, I am with thee, and will keep thee in all places whither thou goest, and will bring thee again into this land: for I will not leave thee, until I have done that which I have spoken to thee of.

THE study of profane history is exceeding profitable, inasmuch as it brings us into an acquaintance with human nature in all its diversified forms, and thereby qualifies us to discharge all our own duties with more wisdom and propriety. But sacred history, besides that it sets before us incomparably brighter examples of virtue, has this peculiar advantage, that it brings God himself to our view, and exhibits him to us in all the dispensations of his providence and grace. The account which is here given us of his intercourse with Jacob, will serve to shew us, in a very striking point of view, in what manner he disperses his favours.

I. He bestows them sovereignly—

[Jacob had grievously sinned both against God and man, in personating his brother, in imposing on his father, in blasphemously ascribing to God what was the fruit of his own device, and in fraudulently obtaining his brother’s birthright. Having incensed his injured brother, he was now fleeing, to avoid the effects of his indignation. And in what manner should we suppose that God would meet him, if indeed he should deign to notice such a miscreant? Would he not say to him, as he afterwards did to the fugitive prophet, “What dost thou here, Elijah?” Or rather, instead of noticing him at all, may we not suppose that he would send a lion to destroy him [Note: 1 Reis 13:24.] ? But behold, for the displaying of the riches of his own grace, he revealed himself to him in a most instructive vision; he confirmed to him all the promises that had been made to Abraham and to Isaac; and even extended beyond all former bounds the manifestations of his favour.

A similar instance we have in the Apostle Paul; whom, at the very instant that he was labouring to extirpate the followers of Christ, God was pleased to stop, not, as might have been expected, with some signal judgment, but with singular expressions of his regard, conferring oil him the highest honours, and communicating to him the richest blessings.
And may not we also admire the sovereignty of God in the exercise of his mercy towards ourselves? Wherefore is it that we are favoured with the light of his Gospel, when so many myriads of our fellow-sinners are left in darkness and the shadow of death? If we have experienced in our souls the efficacy of divine grace, may we not look back with wonder to the period of our conversion, when we were either drinking iniquity with greediness, or proudly establishing our own righteousness in opposition to the righteousness of Christ? Let us deliberately consider our state when God first caused a ray of light to shine into our minds, and implanted his grace in our hearts, and we shall esteem ourselves no less indebted to the electing love of God, than Jacob, or Saul, or any other whom he has ever chosen [Note: 2 Timóteo 1:9.]


He times them seasonably—

[The fugitive patriarch was now in a very desolate and forlorn condition, wearied in body [Note: From Beersheba to Beth-el was about forty miles.], and distressed in mind. Probably his conscience now smote him, and he was saying with himself, as Joseph’s brethren afterwards did, “I am verily guilty concerning my brother [Note: Gênesis 42:21.].” How welcome then must the tokens of God’s regard be to him at that season! What a support under his present trials! what an antidote against any future calamities!

Thus it is that God interposes on the behalf of his people, and “repents himself for them, when their strength is gone, and there is none shut up or left [Note: Deuteronômio 32:36.].” When the contrite soul is bowed down, under a sense of guilt, and ready to say, There is no hope; then does God speak peace unto it, saying, “Be of good cheer, I am thy salvation.” Just as, in Hagar’s extremity, God sent his angel to point out to her a spring, whereby the life of her child was unexpectedly preserved, so in ten thousand instances he appears for us, when we are ready to despair of help: and though his interpositions on our behalf are less visible than these, yet every one of us has reason to acknowledge the truth of that proverb, “In the mount of the Lord it shall be seen [Note: Gênesis 22:14.].” Let us but review our lives, and call to mind the aids of his Spirit under temptations, trials, difficulties; let us see how marvelously we have been upheld when conflicting with sin and Satan, and we shall confess indeed, that “he is a present, a very present, help in trouble.”]


He imparts them suitably—

[It is probable that Jacob’s reply to the advice of his mother was now, in his apprehension, about to be verified; and that he expected a curse rather than a blessing. His evil conscience now might well suggest to him such thoughts as these: ‘God has forsaken me, and some great evil will come upon me. I can never hope to return again to my father’s house in peace, or to enjoy the blessing which I have so treacherously pained.’ To remove these apprehensions, God vouchsafed to him exactly such tokens of his regard, as were best calculated to allay his fears. In the vision, God shewed to him both his providential care, and his redeeming love: for doubtless, while he discovered to him the ministry of angels who were commissioned to protect him, he also shewed him that promised Seed, who was in due time to spring from him, and whom at that very instant he typically represented [Note: This is more fully opened in the preceding Discourse.]. In the promise, he assured him, that his presence should follow him; that his power should preserve him; that he would bring him back again to that very land; and that not one of all the promises that had been ever made to him, should fail of accomplishment.

In this respect also we may trace the tender mercies of our God towards all his people. His manifestations of himself to them, and his application of promises to their souls, are wonderfully suited to their several necessities. We cannot indeed justify those, who open the sacred records, and expect that the portion of Scripture, on which they cast their eye, shall be a kind of literal direction to them; (a most unwarranted and delusive method of ascertaining the mind of God!) but this we must affirm, that, whatever we want, whether wisdom, or strength, or grace of any kind, it shall be given us, if we ask in faith. And the experience of all the saints attests the truth of that promise, “Ye shall ask what ye will, and it shall be done unto you.”]


He continues them faithfully—

[God had given promises, not to Abraham only and to Isaac, but to Jacob also, while he was yet in his mother’s womb. But instead of fulfilling them to him after this flagrant instance of misconduct, he might well have said to him, as he did to his unbelieving posterity, “Thou shalt know my breach of promise [Note: Números 14:34.]:” “I said indeed, that thy house and the house of thy father should walk before me for ever: but now it shall be far from me: for them that honour me I will honour; and they that despise me shall be lightly esteemed [Note: 1 Samuel 2:30.].” But he had spoken, and would not go back: for his word’s sake he would not cast off his offending child, or even suffer one jot or tittle of his promises to fail.

Thus to his descendants in future ages did God manifest his fidelity; insomuch that Joshua, after eighty years’ experience, could appeal to the whole nation, saying, “Ye know in all your hearts and in all your souls, that not one thing hath failed of all the good things which the Lord your God spake concerning you; all are come to pass unto you, and not one thing hath failed thereof [Note: Josué 23:14.].”

To us also will he approve himself faithful. “He will not cast off his people, because it hath pleased him to make us his people [Note: 1 Samuel 12:22.].” He has said, I will never leave thee, I will never, never forsake thee [Note: Hebreus 13:5.]. “He may indeed hide his face from us for a moment; but with everlasting kindness will he have mercy on us: the mountains may depart, and the hills be removed; but the covenant of my peace,” says he, “shall not be removed: for like as I have sworn that the waters of Noah shall no more cover the earth, so have I sworn that I would not be wroth with thee, nor rebuke thee [Note: Isaías 54:7.].”]


For caution—

[We have seen that Jacob inherited the blessing which he had gained by treachery; and that, where sin had abounded, grace did much more abound. But shall we do evil that good may come; or commit sin that grace may abound? God forbid. We must never expect the blessing of God but in the way of duty.]

2. For encouragement—

[If through temptation we have fallen into sin, let us not flee from God, like Adam, but go to him in humble hope that he will magnify his mercy towards the chief of sinners.]

Veja mais explicações de Gênesis 28:15


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Eu sou. Gênesis 28:20 Gênesis 28:21 Gênesis 26:24 Gênesis 31:3 Gê