Marcos 8:38

Horae Homileticae de Charles Simeon


Marcos 8:38. Whosoever therefore shall be ashamed of me and of my words in this adulterous and sinful generation; of him also shall the Son of Man be ashamed, when he cometh in the glory of his Father with the holy angels.

A SENSE of shame would never have been experienced, if man had abode in innocence. There is no room for shame in heaven, because there is no sin. But since man has become a guilty and corrupt creature, it is highly requisite that he should blush and be confounded before God. His shame should rise even to self-lothing and self-abhorrence. But so strangely has Satan blinded the eyes of men, that sin appears to them rather an object of glorying; and religion is regarded as the only thing of which we need to be ashamed. Hence iniquity is applauded, and piety decried. The Gospel, more especially, is made a butt of reproach and ridicule; and every method which the wit of man can devise, is used to bring vital godliness into disrepute and contempt. But our blessed Lord cautions his followers against yielding to the impressions of fear, or disguising their attachment to him through a wish to conciliate the esteem of men.

I. Who they are that are ashamed of Christ—

Though the “generation” amongst whom our Lord sojourned were distinguished for their wickedness, yet the present generation may with no less propriety be called “adulterous and sinful,” because the affections of men are almost universally alienated from God, their proper Lord and Husband, and the world with all its vanities is received to their embrace. That many among them should be ashamed of Christ and of his words, is the natural consequence of such a state of things. To determine who they are that answer to this character, we shall arrange them under distinct heads:

1. Those who openly disclaim all regard to Christ—

[How numerous this class is, a very little observation will suffice to teach us. The generality of men, if it were proved at this moment that there never had existed such a person as Jesus Christ, would have no one thing to alter in their conduct: a sure proof that they never have paid any regard to him at all. Indeed, they consider the fear of him as superstition, the love of him as enthusiasm, and all regard to him as a symptom of weakness and folly.

And what is this, but to “be ashamed of him,” or, as another Evangelist expresses it, to “deny him?” While they represent him as unworthy of any attention from his creatures, they degrade him as an impostor, and hold him up to universal contempt.]

2. Those who, while they feel some regard for him, are ashamed to manifest it before men—

[Many are persuaded in their minds, that the words of Christ are true, and that they who are obedient to them are the best and happiest of mankind: yet they dare not to unite themselves to this despised people, lest they should share in the obloquy that is cast upon them. They are ashamed to be seen conversing with any distinguished servant of Christ, or to be found in a Church where the Gospel is faithfully preached; or if they venture to go thither at any time, they assume an air of levity and indifference foreign to their real feelings, merely that they may not be thought to be tinctured with enthusiasm, or to have come thither for any other end than curiosity and amusement. They can hear the Gospel defamed, and the professors of it condemned as hypocrites and fanatics, and not dare to open their lips in vindication of either: yea, they can even join in profane jesting themselves, much sooner than they can utter the real sentiments of their hearts. Though, in a sense, they “believe in Christ, they dare not confess him. [Note: João 12:42.]” And what is this but to be ashamed of Christ?]

3. Those who profess indeed a regard for him, but in circumstances of trial are afraid to maintain a consistent conduct—

[Many professors of religion are far from possessing that courage which is necessary to uphold them in times of persecution. Peter himself, though naturally courageous, was tempted to deny his Lord with oaths and curses: nor was he restored to God’s favour without many tears and bitter lamentations. And is there not reason to fear that many of us, if brought into similar circumstances, would resemble him? How few are there amongst us, who, like Daniel [Note: Daniel 6:10.], would persist in the path of duty, when all around them had departed from it, and when a cruel death must he the immediate consequence of their fidelity to Christ? Yet the declining to sacrifice our lives in the cause of Christ would mark us out as persons ashamed of Christ, and subject us to his everlasting displeasure. Indeed it is to such characters that our Lord more immediately referred in the words before us [Note: Compare ver. 35.]; and therefore we cannot hesitate to class them among those to whom the warning in our text is given.]

Respecting all these, our Lord plainly informs us of,


The treatment which they must expect at his hands—

There is a day coming, when “the Son of Man,” who is now treated with such contempt, will appear in all the brightness of “his Father’s glory,” surrounded with myriads of “his holy angels,” and will summon the universe to his tribunal. “Then will he be ashamed of those who now are ashamed of him”—

His faithful servants he will then confess: he will declare, before all, his approbation of them, and his delight in them: he will welcome them as his brethren, and as joint-heirs of his eternal inheritance. But not one look of love will he vouchsafe to those who, through cowardice, or love of sin, have denied him. He will turn away his face from them, as one that is ashamed of them. If they begin to claim an acquaintance with him, and to plead the services they have rendered him, he will frown upon them, and, with a look of indignation and abhorrence, disclaim all knowledge of them [Note: Mateus 7:22.]. He will drive them from his presence, as unworthy of his favour, or of the company of his faithful people. And, O! who can conceive the anguish which these contemptuous sinners must endure; when the Saviour of the world shall thus retaliate upon them the treatment which he has received at their hands?]

This, I say, is the recompence which they must expect from him—

[He has plainly forewarned them respecting this; and therefore it shall come to pass. But, that they may see how just this doom will be, let them only consider the folly and wickedness of their conduct.

What folly is it to turn their back on Christ, through fear of a contemptuous look, or a reproachful name! What madness to “fear them who can only kill the body, rather than Him who can destroy both body and soul in hell!” Does not such conduct render them contemptible, and justly subject them to the sentence with which they are threatened?

What desperate wickedness too is it to be ashamed of him who is the Only-beloved of the Father, and the object of incessant adoration to all the hosts of heaven! What horrible impiety, to pour contempt on him who left his glory for them; who for their sakes “hid not his face from shame and spitting;” yea, “who, for the joy of saving their souls alive, endured the cross and despised the shame,” and “became obedient unto death, even the accursed death of the cross!” Let them only contemplate his kindness towards them, and then consider whether the punishment of their ingratitude exceed the quality of their offence.]


How necessary is courage to those who embrace the Gospel!

[It is not possible to be faithful unto Christ, and at the same time escape the censures of the world [Note: João 15:18.]. And our only alternative is, to “be faithful unto death,” or to relinquish all hope of his favour. The fearful and unbelieving will take their portion together in the lake of fire and brimstone [Note: 2 Timóteo 2:12.Apocalipse 21:8.]. O beg of God to endue your souls with courage, that you may “set your faces like a flint” against the whole ungodly world, and maintain your steadfastness even to the end.]

2. How desirable is it to be looking forward to the future judgment!

[If we attend only to the concerns of this life, we shall be anxious to preserve our reputation in the world. But if we consider how soon an unerring judgment will be passed upon us, we shall not regard the calumnies that are circulated respecting us, or the contempt that is poured upon us. This was St. Paul’s experience [Note: 1 Coríntios 4:3.]; and similar considerations will produce similar benefit to our souls.]

3. How important is it to have just views of Christ!

[The more enlarged our apprehension is of his excellency and glory, the more shall we be emboldened to confess him before men. St. Paul endured more for him than any other Disciple ever did: yet neither reproach nor suffering could move him. And whence was it that he was thus immoveable? He himself tells us; “I am not ashamed; for I know in whom I have believed [Note: 2 Timóteo 1:12.]” Thus let us get a full persuasion of his power and faithfulness to support us under our tribulations, and reward us for them, and we shall not fear the face of man. We shall rather glory that we are counted worthy to suffer for his sake, and that we are honoured to be thus conformed to his image.]

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