Mateus 13:47-50

Horae Homileticae de Charles Simeon


Mateus 13:47. The kingdom of heaven is like unto a net, that was cast into the sea, and gathered of every kind: which, when it urns full, they drew to shore, and sat down, and gathered the good into vessels, but cast the bad away. So shall it be at the end of the world: the angels shall come forth, and sever the wicked from among the just, and shall cast them into the furnace of fire: there shall be wailing and gnashing of teeth.

MEN are forcibly impressed by similes taken from things with which they are well acquainted. Hence the various parables are suited to those classes of the community, who are conversant in the occupations to which they relate. The greater part of them refer to the different employments of husbandry, because our Lord sojourned chiefly among persons engaged in agricultural pursuits. But he was also frequently called to instruct fishermen; to whose more immediate use he adapted the parable before us.
In order to elucidate the text we observe that,

I. variety of persons are gathered by the Gospel into the visible Church—

The Gospel is preached promiscuously to all—
[When a net is cast into the sea, the fisherman knows not what success he shall have: he may toil all the night and catch nothing; or may inclose a number that can with difficulty be drawn to shore [Note: Lucas 5:5.]. However skilful he may be in his trade, he is dependent wholly on the good providence of God.

Thus the Gospel is published to all without any respect of persons. Nor can the preachers of it command success: if Paul or Apollos labour, it is God alone that can render their endeavours effectual to the salvation of men [Note: 1 Coríntios 3:7.]

There are however many, for the most part, brought by means of it to a profession of religion—
[Where nothing but morality is preached, the people all remain stupid and unconcerned about their souls: but where Christ is truly exalted, some will feel the constraining influence of the word [Note: Jeremias 23:22.], and he drawn out of the vain world to an attendance on the duties of religion. But of these there will be various kinds: some will go no further than the mere form of godliness [Note: 2 Timóteo 3:5.]; others will seem to enjoy somewhat of its life and power, while in reality they have no stability in the ways of God [Note: ver. 20, 21.], or, though they persevere in their profession of religion, they do not walk worthy of their high calling [Note: ver. 22.] — — — There will be others, however, who are truly upright before God, and who “adorn the Gospel of God our Saviour in all things.”

All these persons will be collected into a visible Church; all will profess an attachment to the Gospel: and all will feel some kind of confidence respecting their final acceptance before God.]


Of those that are so gathered, there will be an awful separation in the day of judgment—

Fishermen will not encumber themselves with fishes that are worthless; nor will God receive to himself all that are gathered by the Gospel.
There will be a separation made in the day of judgment—
[God makes use of men to collect persons into the visible Church; but he will employ “angels” as his agents to “separate the bad from the good.” Nor will they, when action under the direction of the Most High, be liable to the smallest error. They will see with one glance of their eye, who have been justified in Christ Jesus, and sanctified by the Holy Spirit. No fisherman can distinguish between the most different sorts of fish more clearly than the angels will, between the weakest of the saints, and the most refined of hypocrites. Not one that is truly good, shall be cast away; nor one that is really bad, be preserved.]
That separation will be inexpressibly awful—
[Here the parable was inadequate to convey the truth; and therefore our Lord added a further explanation of it. Fishes that are cast away suffer no otherwise than in meeting death a little sooner than those that are reserved in vessels. But it is not thus with souls that are cast away; for they shall be “cast into a furnace of fire, where shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth for ever” — — — O fearful end! how inconceivably different from that of those who shall be treasured up in vessels as “meet for their Master’s use!” — — —]


How diligently should we attend the ordinances of the Gospel!

[Ministers are made “fishers of men;” and their one employment is to “catch men [Note: Mateus 4:19; Lucas 5:10.].” (This, my brethren, is the office which I am executing for God at this very moment: I am labouring to catch your souls for God.) Now it is in the ordinances that they go forth to cast their net: and if persons do not attend the ordinances, there is no probability of their ever being drawn to God [Note: Romanos 10:17.]. Let not any trifling matters then be suffered to detain us from the house of God; for we cannot tell the precise time at which God has designed to enclose us in his net. And what a loss should we sustain, if through absence we deprived ourselves of that benefit! Let us then not only come to the house of God, but beg him to instruct his servants how to cast the net in the most advantageous manner [Note: João 21:6.], benefit, and for his glory.]

2. How careful should we be not to rest in an unsound profession of religion!

[It is not every one that is gathered by the Gospel, that shall enjoy its saving benefits. Many there are who approve of the truth, and take pleasure in hearing it proclaimed [Note: Ezequiel 33:31.], who yet shall never enter into the kingdom of heaven. Let all then judge themselves by the marks exhibited in the Holy Scriptures. Let them inquire whether, if the separation were at this instant to be made, they should be found amongst the good or the bad, among those that are truly alive to God, or those who, though they “have a name to live, are really dead” before God [Note: Apocalipse 3:1.]. Let it be remembered that the net is now spread, and that we are now enclosed in it; and, though we do not immediately perceive it, the net is at this moment drawing to shore. My dear brethren, I tremble to think how many of us will ere long be irrecoverably cast into a furnace of fire, and with what bitter “wailings,” and self-condemning “gnashing of their teeth,” they will look back upon the warnings they have despised, and the opportunities they have lost. Speedily, speedily will the scrutiny be made; and then the final separation. May God of his infinite mercy prepare us all for that awful day, by renewing our natures, and accepting us in his beloved Son; that so we may be numbered with the good, and be approved of our God for ever and ever!]

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