Lucas 10:41-42

Horae Homileticae de Charles Simeon


Lucas 10:41. Jesus answered and said unto her, Martha, Martha, thou art careful and troubled about many things: but one thing is needful: and Mary hath chosen that good part, which shall not be taken away from her.

IT is a generally prevailing notion, that religion should be confined to the Church and the closet, and not be brought forward as a topic of conversation in company. But our Lord’s conduct completely refutes this absurd idea; and shews, that we ought to improve our intercourse with men, by causing our light to shine before them, and by endeavouring to instil the knowledge of religion into their minds. If it be objected, “that his office was peculiar, and that therefore we ought not to imitate him in this respect,” behold, the history before us introduces us to him in the house of a friend, where he had occasion to determine this very point in reference to the women whom he was visiting: one of them was applauded by him for embracing the opportunity afforded her to obtain religious instruction; and the other was reproved for the neglect of it; and that too at a time when such neglect would have been as excusable as it could be under any circumstances whatever.
To elucidate this subject, we shall,

I. Compare the characters of Martha and Mary—

We may first notice wherein they were agreed

[We are assured that both of them were Disciples of our Lord. We could not, indeed, ascertain this from the circumstance of his visit to them; (for he sometimes associated with proud Pharisees, and notorious sinners;) but we know it from the strong and mutual affection that subsisted between them. We presume, therefore, that both of them believed in him as the Messiah: both of them looked to him as the fountain and foundation of all their hopes: both of them confessed his name, and were willing to bear his cross: and lastly, both of them desired to make his will the rule of their conduct.]
We may next consider wherein they differed

[There are very different degrees of piety, where the same opportunities and advantages are enjoyed: and the very same persons are in different frames at different seasons. The very best of men, if considered in the light in which some particular action would place him, would appear very unlike a true Christian. Though, therefore, we must not apologize for sin, we must make allowance for the operation of peculiar circumstances, when we are weighing the general characters of men.
Martha then, we observe, was unseasonably anxious about the affairs of this life, while her sister Mary treated them with becoming indifference. The great Teacher and Saviour of mankind had condescended to take up his abode with them: it might be expected, therefore, that they would lose as little as possible of his company, and devolve on others their domestic employments, rather than deprive themselves of his valuable instructions. And thus it was with Mary. She was so absorbed in her attention to his discourses, that she neglected secular matters as of inferior concern. But Martha, on the contrary, was so intent on providing for her guest, that she was quite forgetful of her spiritual interests. We do not mean to justify a neglect of domestic duties; but we contend that there may be occasions so urgent as to demand our immediate attention, even though some points of less importance should be neglected. No one could doubt but that a disregard of dress would be very excusable, in case our life were in danger from fire: and, in the same manner, Mary’s disregard of worldly formalities might well be excused, when she was called from them by duties of paramount obligation.

Martha, moreover, was unduly anxious about the affairs of this life. Granting that she meant nothing but to honour her Lord, and that her way of honouring him was proper, still, why did she suffer her temper to be ruffled? Why did she reflect upon her sister, for not uniting with her in such unprofitable employments? Why did she endeavour to interest Jesus himself in her quarrels; and even find fault with him for not interposing his authority to make Mary as worldly as herself? All this betrayed a little mind, occupied with vanities, studious of show, and too susceptible of irritation from things which ought never to have gained such an ascendant over her. Mary, on the contrary, indifferent to earthly pomp, evinced the superior heavenliness of her mind, and thereby preserved the tranquillity of it undisturbed.]

We shall more accurately determine their respective characters, if we,


Consider the judgment of our Lord respecting them—

In this answer to Martha,

1. He lays down a general position respecting the care of the soul—

[The care of the soul, by whatever terms we describe it, is justly called “the one thing needful.” Were we indeed to judge by the conduct of the world at large, we should rather call it, ‘the one thing needless;’ since every pursuit, however trifling, is preferred before it. But there is nothing of such value as the soul; the whole world, in comparison of it, is a mere vanity. Nor is there any difference in this respect between the rich and the poor: the souls of all are of equal value in the sight of God; all are equally concerned to secure eternal happiness. There is no situation where an attention to our spiritual interests can be dispensed with; no situation wherein the concerns of eternity should not be uppermost in our minds. Other things may be desirable; but the care of the soul is needful, absolutely, universally, and indispensably needful.]

2. He applies that position to the present occasion—

[He first applies it in a way of reproof. Though he loved Martha, he would not forbear to reprove in her what he saw amiss. He tells her, that she was acting in direct opposition to this obvious and established truth; and that her distraction of mind, arising from “many things,” argued an unmindfulness about “one thing,” which was of more importance than all other things together. But, though he reproved her, he was far from shewing even that severity which her petulance deserved. He spoke with a tenderness well calculated to conciliate her esteem, and with an earnestness fitted to impress her mind with the importance of the subject [Note: Observe the repetition, Martha, Martha: see others of a similar nature, Lucas 13:34; Lucas 22:31.].

Happy would it be for us, if when we are too deeply involved in worldly cares, we would call to mind this salutary reproof, and consider it as addressed immediately to ourselves.
Next our Lord applies this position in a way of approbation. The part which Mary had chosen is called by him, “that good part.” Now what was it that Mary had done? She had been sitting at the feet of Jesus, and listening with delight to his instructive conversation. She had, in short, been more occupied about the welfare of her soul than about a vain parade of courtesy and compliment. This might well be called a “good part:” it was good in the estimation of Jesus, and must be so in the opinion of all who judge according to truth. People indeed, when in the midst of gaiety and dissipation, ridicule it as absurd: but did ever any man that had chosen this good part find reason to condemn it? Can we conceive of any pious man on his death-bed, cautioning his surviving relatives against loving their Lord too much, and feeling too deeply the interests of their souls? It was no little commendation of the part which Mary chose, that “it should never be taken away from her:” our Lord would not deprive her of it; nor would he suffer any other, whether men or devils, to take it away. As for Martha’s case, the effect of that would be as transient as the feast itself: but the fruits of Mary’s attention should last for ever.

Let us only bear in mind this vindication of Mary’s cause, and we can never doubt whose character we should prefer, or whose conduct we should imitate.]


Those who are wholly occupied with the pursuits of this life—

[What, think you, would our Lord have said to Martha, if her state had been like yours? Would he have approved of it, and have told her that her attention to her social and relative duties was sufficient, though she took no care at all about her soul? — — —]

2. Those who, though professing to be devoted to Christ, are of a worldly spirit—

[What a poor appearance did Martha make on this occasion! and what little encouragement you have to follow her example! Remember, that “you should be crucified to the world, and the world should be crucified to you [Note: Gálatas 6:14.]” — — —]

3. Those who are seeking with all earnestness the salvation of their souls—

[You must expect, that lukewarm and worldly professors will condemn you as much as the ungodly themselves do: and the more nearly they are related to you, the more asperity, perhaps, they may shew towards you. But commit your cause to Jesus; and he will vindicate you in due season. Positive duties, indeed, you must on no account neglect. But, while the world has your hands, let Jesus have your hearts — — —]

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1 Coríntios 7:32; Eclesiastes 6:11; Lucas 21:34; Lucas 8:14; Marcos