Gálatas 3:18. If ‘the inheritance,' i.e., all the temporal and spiritual blessings promised to Abraham and culminating in the Christian salvation (comp. the word ‘inheritance,' Mateo 5:5; Hechos 20:32; 1 Corintios 6:9; Gálatas 5:21), proceeded from the Law and depended on its observance, it could be no more the gift of promise or of free grace, which can be apprehended only by a living faith.

This, however, is plainly contradicted by the case of Abraham, who received the inheritance by free grace, and not by law, which then was not yet given. Law and works are inseparably connected, and so are promise (or grace) and faith. Law and promise are used here without the article as representing two opposite principles.

Hath freely given, bestowed it as a free gift ‘The perfect tense marks the permanence of the effect' (Lightfoot).

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Antiguo Testamento