Mateus 21:16

Horae Homileticae de Charles Simeon


Mateus 21:16. Have ye never read, Out of the mouth of babes and sucklings thou hast perfected praise?

THE wisdom of our Lord was very conspicuous in the answers he returned to cavilers. He was thoroughly conversant with every part of the sacred writings; and to them he appealed on every occasion. In his conflicts with Satan, he invariably had recourse to them [Note: Mateus 4:4; Mateus 4:7; Mateus 4:10.]: and when assaulted by men, he fought with no weapon which was not brought from that divine arsenal [Note: Compare Mateus 26:51. with João 5:39.]: and every passage which he adduced was as an arrow from a well-directed bow. This is well exemplified in the words before us.

Our Lord had just driven the traders and moneychangers out of the temple; and had healed multitudes of persons, who flocked around him for a cure. The children that were present, being struck with wonder both at his authority and benevolence, surrounded him with acclamations and hosannahs, and welcomed him as the Messiah promised to their nation. The chief priests and scribes, on the contrary, were filled with indignation; and remonstrated with our Lord, for suffering them to express such sentiments in his hearing: “Hearest thou what these say?” ‘It is a disgrace to thee to be pleased with the acclamations of weak, silly children; or of an ignorant and infatuated mob [Note: The word παῖδας may probably mean servants and followers, rather than mere children.].’ Yes, these, who should have been the foremost to encourage early piety, were the very first to repress it. But our Lord repelled their objection by an unanswerable appeal to Scripture: “Have ye never read, Out of the mouth of babes and sucklings thou hast perfected praise [Note: The words used by David are, “Thou hast ordained strength.” See Salmos 8:2. But our Lord quoted, as the Apostles after him frequently did, from the Septuagint Translation, and not from the Hebrew. The meaning, however, is the same in both: God manifests his strength, and glorifies his name, in using weak instruments to effect his purposes.]?”

Now, from these words I shall take occasion to shew,

I. That the Scriptures are the standard by which every thing must be tried—

[By them must all our sentiments be formed, and all our conduct regulated. The Apostles continually, in support of their doctrines, refer to them. It is a frequent expression of St. Paul, “But what saith the Scripture?” And to that must our appeal also be made, on every occasion. Then, if our views or actions be blamed, we have at least a rule whereby they may be judged: and if they be in accordance with that rule, we need feel no concern, even though they be condemned by the whole world. There are in the Christian system, and in the Christian life too, many things which, by an ungodly world, are accounted foolishness; and we must expect that those things will be disapproved in us. But, when blamed on account of those things, we should mildly reply, ‘Have ye never read such or such declarations in Holy Writ? You think my views of man’s fall are too gloomy: but have ye never read, “The carnal mind is enmity with God?” You think that I carry my religious zeal too far: but have you never read, “The love of Christ constraineth us to live to Him who died for us, and rose again?” ’ Thus always bring both yourselves and others to the Scriptures, as the only test of truth: for so hath God directed us: “To the word and to the testimony: if men speak not according to this word, it is because there is no light in them [Note: Isaías 8:20.].”]

In this way you will be able to shew,


That devotion, by whomsoever condemned, will be found conformable to that standard—

[The hosannahs of the children were most probably regarded as the effusions of weak and uninformed minds. And this is the construction which is still put on the conduct of those who endeavour to exalt the Saviour, and who are, on this account, derided as enthusiasts. But look into the Scripture, and see the state of David’s mind. Can any one read the Psalms, and not wish to be in the same frame of mind with him, when he said, “Bless the Lord, O my soul: and all that is within me bless his holy name?” In the New Testament it is written, “Rejoice in the Lord always; and again I say, Rejoice.” In fact, there should not be an hour in the day, in which our souls should not be tuned for praise. And though we are not called to express our admiration and love in the same public manner as the children in the temple were, there should be in us the same disposition; yes, and in our secret chamber, too, the same exercise of it as we have seen in them. Nor, if a public testimony of our love to the Saviour be called for, should we be either ashamed or afraid to give it. It is by praise that God is glorified [Note: Salmos 50:23.]. In heaven, the saints and angels have no other employment: and it is our privilege, and duty too, to begin our heaven upon earth.]

For your comfort, also, will you find,


That the weaker the instruments by whom his glory is advanced, the more is God glorified—

[We should have been ready to think that the praises of the Chief Priests would have been more to the honour of our blessed Lord: and at this time we are apt to imagine that the services of the rich and learned more exalt God than those of the poor and ignorant. But the very reverse of this is more consistent with truth. For, if the wise and noble were most forward to honour the Saviour, we should impute their conduct to natural principles: we should conclude that reason and education were the chief means of their conversion. But, when we see babes and sucklings well instructed in the things that are hid from the wise and prudent, we are constrained to ascribe the effect to grace alone [Note: Mateus 11:25.]. Let none, therefore, think that they are incapable of glorifying God; or that “God will despise the day of small things:” for the prayer of the Publican and the mite of the widow were more acceptable to God than many longer prayers and richer offerings: and if only we “serve God with what we have, it shall be accepted of him [Note: 2 Coríntios 8:12.].” Four times does God tell his poorer worshippers to serve him with “such as they can get [Note: Levítico 14:21; Levítico 14:30.].” In truth, “the weaker we are in ourselves, the more is his strength perfected in our weakness [Note: 2 Coríntios 12:9.].”]


Let parents labour to bring their children to Christ—

[Parents are apt to neglect their children, under an idea that their minds are not sufficiently expanded to receive divine knowledge. But we read of many who were sanctified from their earliest infancy [Note: Samuel, Abijah, Josiah, Timothy, John the Baptist.]: and the instance before us is sufficient to encourage our most laborious exertions [Note: Here shew the importance of the Institution of Sunday, or Infant, or Charity Schools.] — — — Happy the parents of such children as those! and happy the children whose earliest years are thus devoted to the Lord! Let religious parents, in particular, look to it, that they spare no pains in instructing their children, and praying both with them and for them: for so has God commanded [Note: Efésios 6:4.]: and they have his promise, that in due season he will prosper their efforts [Note: Provérbios 22:6.]

2. Let us, who are instructed in the Gospel, abound in praises to our blessed Lord—

[Those children had to oppose the example and authority of the Priests; and, of course, were very imperfectly acquainted with the character of our Lord and Saviour: yet they praised and adored him with all their power. But we see Jesus as our incarnate God: we know the true end of his death as an atonement for our sins: we behold him risen, and exalted to the right hand of God, and ever living to make intercession for us. We, too, are urged by all possible motives to serve and glorify him. How culpable, then, shall we be, if we neglect to honour him! and how will those children rise up in judgment against us, to condemn us, if we do not glorify him before the whole world! I call on all of you, then, to get your minds impressed with the glory and excellency of your Saviour; and from henceforth, both in public and in private, to adore and magnify him with your most grateful acclamations.]

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