Oséias 4:6

Horae Homileticae de Charles Simeon


Oséias 4:6. My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge.

IGNORANCE, as it respects the things of this world, is attended with many evils. It disqualifies a man for those situations in life that require the exercise of wisdom and discretion; it degrades him in society below the rank of those who would otherwise be deemed his equals or inferiors: and it not unfrequently leads to idleness, dissipation, and vice. But ignorance of religion is of infinitely worse consequence; because it ensures the everlasting destruction of the soul. To this effect God speaks in the words before us; from which we shall be led to shew,

I. The ignorance of the Christian world—

The Jews, as well those of the ten tribes as those who worshipped at Jerusalem, were called “the people of God,” because they had received the seal of his covenant in their infancy, and professed to acknowledge him as their God. In like manner we, having in our infancy been baptized into the faith of Christ, may, in a lax and general sense, be called his followers, and his people. But among nominal Christians there is an awful lack of knowledge; an ignorance,

1. Of themselves—

[How little do they know of their blindness! They suppose themselves as competent to judge of spiritual as they are of carnal things; though God tells them, that they cannot comprehend the things of the Spirit for want of a spiritual discernment [Note: 1 Coríntios 2:11; 1 Coríntios 2:14.].

How little do they know of their guilt! Do they really feel themselves deserving of God’s eternal wrath and indignation? They cannot cordially acquiesce in that idea, notwithstanding they are expressly said to be under the curse and condemnation of the law [Note: Gálatas 3:10.].

How little do they know of their depravity! They will acknowledge, that they have this or that particular infirmity: but they have no just conception of the total depravity of their hearts; or of the truth of God’s testimony respecting them, that “every imagination of the thoughts of their hearts is evil, only evil, continually [Note: Salmos 14:2.Gênesis 6:5.].”

How little do they know of their utter helplessness! They imagine that they can exercise repentance and faith just when they please, though they are declared by God himself to be incapable of themselves to do any thing [Note: João 15:5.], even so much as to think a good thought [Note: 2 Coríntios 3:5.]

2. Of God—

[They may have some general notions of his power and goodness: but what know they of his holiness? Do they suppose that sin is so hateful in his eyes as he represents it to be [Note: Habacuque 1:13.]?

What know they of his justice? Are they persuaded that, as the Moral Governor of the universe, he must enforce the sanctions of his own law; and that, however merciful he may be, he neither will nor can clear the guilty [Note: Êxodo 34:7.]?

What know they of his truth? They read many threatenings in his word; but they do not believe that he will execute them [Note: Lucas 16:17.]

3. Of Christ—

[They confess perhaps his Godhead, and acknowledge him as a Saviour. But what know they of him as he is in himself? Do they discern his beauty, his excellency, his glory? Is He in their eyes “chiefest among ten thousand, and altogether lovely [Note: Cântico dos Cânticos 5:10; Cântico dos Cânticos 5:16.]?”

What know they of him as he is to us? Do they comprehend any thing of the breadth and length, the depth and height of his unsearchable love [Note: Efésios 3:18.]? Have they any adequate idea of his tender sympathy and compassion [Note: Hebreus 2:18; Hebreus 4:15.]? Have they been filled with an admiration of his fulness, his suitableness, his sufficiency [Note: 1 Coríntios 1:30.]?

If more were necessary to confirm this melancholy truth, we would appeal to God’s own assertion respecting us, that our stupidity and ignorance are more than brutish [Note: Isaías 1:2.]

Lest such ignorance should be thought venial, we proceed to notice,


The fatal consequences of it—

Doubtless the degrees of criminality attached to ignorance must vary according to the opportunities which men have enjoyed of obtaining knowledge. But in all men who have the light of the Gospel set before them, a lack of spiritual knowledge,

1. Tends to their destruction—

[Every sin is destructive, but more especially impenitence and unbelief. And what is the occasion of these? Must they not be traced to ignorance as their true and proper source? If men knew what ignorant, guilty, depraved, and helpless creatures they are, could they refrain from sorrow and contrition? — — — If they knew what a holy, just, and immutable God they have to do with, could they do otherwise than tremble before him? — — — If they knew what a merciful, loving, and adorable Saviour there is, whose bowels are yearning over them, who is ever following them with invitations and entreaties, and who longs for nothing so much as to save their souls, could they turn their backs upon him? Could they help crying to him for mercy, and desiring an interest in his salvation? — — — If a man, feeling himself in imminent danger of perishing in the sea, cannot but avail himself of the assistance offered him for the preservation of his life, so neither can a man who feels his danger of everlasting destruction neglect and despise the salvation offered him in the Gospel.]

2. Will issue in their destruction—

[God himself best knows what he has ordained and decreed: and as the fates of men will be determined by him at last, to him, and to his word, we make our appeal.
We want to ascertain the states of those who are ignorant of the Gospel: God tells us plainly, “They are lost [Note: 2 Coríntios 4:3.].”

We want to be informed whether their ignorance will not be considered as a sufficient plea for their rejection of the Gospel? God assures us, that instead of operating in that view, and to that extent, it shall itself be the ground of their condemnation [Note: Isaías 27:11.].

We would fain hope that the Lord Jesus Christ would interpose for them at the last day, to avert or mitigate their sentence. But we are told, on the contrary, that he himself will come to judgment, for the express purpose of taking vengeance on them [Note: 2 Tessalonicenses 1:7.].

Here we leave the matter. If ye will not believe such plain and positive declarations of God, we shall in vain hope to make any impression on your minds by any feeble arguments of our own.]


How carefully should we improve the means of grace!

[The ordinances are appointed of God for our instruction in spiritual knowledge. Should we then absent ourselves from them on slight occasions? or should we be content with a formal attendance on them, while yet we derive no solid benefit to our souls? O let us remember that our all is at stake: and whether we hear, or read, or pray, let us do it as for eternity.]

2. How earnestly should we pray for the teachings of God’s Spirit!

[Whether we be learned or unlearned, we can know nothing but as we are taught of God. In respect of spiritual knowledge, the rich have no advantage above the poor: yea, the poor have rather the advantage of the rich, inasmuch as they have more docility of mind; and God has promised to reveal to babes the things which are hid from the wise and prudent [Note: Tiago 2:5.Mateus 11:25.]. Let us then beg that our eyes may be opened, and that through the influences of the Spirit we may know the things which are freely given to us of God [Note: 1 Coríntios 2:11.Efésios 1:18.]

3. How thankful should we be for any measure of divine knowledge!

[To be wise unto salvation is to be wise indeed. All other knowledge is as nothing in comparison of this. Blessed then are they who can say, “This I know, that, whereas I was blind, I now see [Note: João 9:25.Mateus 13:16.].” Yes, Believers, “blessed are your eyes, which now see:” for if ignorance is destructive to the soul, knowledge, on the other hand, provided it be spiritual and practical, will surely save it [Note: Isaías 53:11. João 17:3. with 1 João 2:3.]

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