Tiago 3:6

Horae Homileticae de Charles Simeon


Tiago 3:6. The tongue is a fire, a world of iniquity: so is the tongue among our members, that it defileth the whole body, and setteth on fire the course of nature; and it is set on fire of hell.

AMONGST the most important of all subjects must be reckoned the government of the tongue. The consideration of it is well calculated to convince the profane, to pluck off the mask from hypocrites, to humble the sincere, and to edify every description of persons. St. James, who intended his epistle as a corrective to the abuses that prevailed in the Christian Church, insisted strongly upon this subject: and, in the words before us, has given us such a description of the tongue, as, if it had proceeded from any other than an inspired writer, would have been deemed a libel upon human nature. In order that the text may be fully understood, we shall shew,

I. The true character of the human tongue—

The Apostle tells us “it is a fire”—
[Fire, in its original formation, was intended for the good of man; and, when subordinated to his wishes, is highly beneficial: but its tendency is to consume and to destroy. Thus the tongue was at first made for the Creator’s praise; but through the introduction of sin, that member, which was, and, if well used, yet is, the glory of man [Note: Salmos 57:8.], is become “an instrument of unrighteousness” and all iniquity.

Fire also, even the smallest spark, is capable of producing incalculable mischief; such mischief as it may not be in the power of man to repair. Thus also will one single motion of the tongue [Note: ver. 3, 4.]. It may so irritate and inflame a man, as to change him instantly into a savage beast, or an incarnate devil: and, if the whole world should labour to remedy the evil, it would mock their endeavours.]

He further adds that it is “a world of iniquity”—
[There is not any sin whatever, which does not stand in the nearest connexion with the tongue, and employ it in its service. Search the long catalogue of sins against God; then inspect those against our neighbour; and, lastly, those against ourselves; and there will not be found one, no, not one, that has not the tongue as its principal ally [Note: See Romanos 3:13.] — — — All iniquities whatsoever centre in it, and are fulfilled by it: so justly is it called, “A world of iniquity.”]

Its character will yet further appear by considering,


Its effects—

1. These are defiling—

[Sin, as soon as ever it is conceived in the heart, defiles the soul: but when it is uttered by the lips, “it defileth the whole body.” Utterance gives solidity and permanency to that which before existed in idea, and might have passed away: and, inasmuch as the tongue has every other member at its command to execute, according to their several powers, the things it has divulged, the whole man is become a partaker of its guilt and defilement [Note: Eclesiastes 5:6; Marcos 7:20.]. And, though all its communications are not equally polluting, yet is there a stain left by means of them, a stain which nothing but the Redeemer’s blood can ever wash away.]

2. Destructive—

[To such an astonishing degree has this fire gained the ascendant, that it has “inflamed the whole course of nature.” Look at individuals; what malignant passions has it kindled in them! Visit families; what animosities, and inextinguishable feuds has it produced! Survey churches; and you will find the unhallowed fire burning even in the sanctuary of God [Note: By means of heretics, cavillers, and proud disputers, and others who cause divisions and dissensions.]; and sometimes too, even in the very censers of his ministers [Note: Alluding to Levítico 10:1.]. Cast your eyes round upon whole nations; and you will perceive that, times without number, it has kindled the flames of war, and spread desolation through the globe [Note: What has not been perpetrated during the French Revolution under the influence of those two words, liberty and equality!].]

To prove that this account is not exaggerated, we shall point out,


The reason of its producing these effects—

The tongue “itself is set on fire of hell”—
[Satan is the source and author of all the evils that proceed from the tongue. Does it falsify? behold it does so at the instigation of that wicked fiend, “the father of lies [Note: 3 João 1:8; 3 João 1:8; 3 João 1.].” Does it discourage men from the prosecution of their duty? It does so as the devil’s agent [Note: Mateus 16:23.]. Does it accuse and scandalize the people of God? Who but Satan is the author of such calumnies [Note: Apocalipse 12:10.]? Does it disseminate error? the propagator of that error is Satan’s minister, however he be transformed into an angel of light [Note: 2 Coríntios 11:3; 2 Coríntios 11:13.]. Does it encourage any bad design? It is the devil himself who speaks by it [Note: 1 Reis 22:21.]. In every sin that it commits, it is actuated by “the prince of the power of the air, the spirit that now worketh in all the children of disobedience [Note: Efésios 2:2.].” Its whole “wisdom is earthly, sensual, devilish [Note: ver. 15.].” It comes from hell, and leads to hell: and, if God were to withdraw his restraints here, as he does in hell, it would speedily produce a very hell upon earth.]

This alone can account for the effects that proceed from it—
[Doubtless the wickedness of the heart may account for much: but, if the flames were not fanned by satanic agency, we can scarcely conceive that they should rage with such an irresistible force, and to such a boundless extent.]


How great must be the evil of the human heart!

[The heart is the fountain, in which “the evil treasure is [Note: Mateus 12:35.];” the tongue is only the channel in which it flows. If the channel then be so vile, what must the fountain be? Yet every one of us has this tongue in his mouth, and this heart in his bosom: and, if God should leave us without restraint, there is not one of us but would proclaim all the evil of his heart, as much as the most lothesome sensualist, or most daring blasphemer.]

2. How much do we need the influences of the Holy Spirit!

[It is absolutely impossible for man to tame this unruly member [Note: ver. 7, 8.]. Yet restrained it must be, if ever we would be saved [Note: Tiago 1:26.]. What then shall we do? Shall we sit down in despair? God forbid. The Holy Spirit will help our infirmities [Note: Romanos 8:26.], and Christ will give us his Spirit if we call upon him. Let us then look to Christ; and we shall prove by sweet experience, that his “grace is sufficient for us [Note: 2 Coríntios 12:9.],” and that through him, strengthening us, we can do all things [Note: Filipenses 4:13.].”]

3. How careful should we be of every word we utter!

[Immense injury may we do by one unguarded word. We may take away a character which we can never restore, or inflict a wound which we can never heal. On this account we should “set a watch before the door of our lips [Note: Salmos 141:3.].” Nor is this a matter of expediency merely, but of necessity; for God has warned us that we shall give account of every idle word, and that by our words we shall be justified, and by our words we shall be condemned [Note: Mateus 12:36; Mateus 5:22. last clause.]. Let us then be utterly purposed that our mouth shall not offend [Note: Salmos 17:3.]. Let our tongue be as choice silver, or a tree of life, to enrich and comfort the Lord’s people [Note: Provérbios 10:20; Provérbios 15:4.]. Let our “speech be always with grace seasoned with salt,” for the honour of God, and the good of our fellow-creatures [Note: Colossenses 4:6; Efésios 4:29.]

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