Zacarias 4:7

Horae Homileticae de Charles Simeon


Zacarias 4:7. Who art thou, O great mountain? before Zerubbabel thou shalt become a plain.

OUR eyes are generally fixed more on the creature than on God. Hence we are apt to entertain many unnecessary fears. Nor are we unfrequently diverted by them from the path of duty. This was the case with the Jews when rebuilding their temple. Cyrus had given them permission to rebuild it. But they met with opposition from their envious neighbours. And through this they were intimidated and disheartened. But God encouraged them with an assurance of success [Note: ver. 6, 7.]—

We may notice,

I. The difficulties that obstruct the building of God’s spiritual temple—

The temple at Jerusalem was typical of that, which God erects visibly in the world, and invisibly in the hearts of men [Note: In proof of this, see Efésios 2:21 and 1 Coríntios 3:16.]—

1. The visible temple of the Church has much to obstruct its erection in the world—

[With what inconceivable difficulty are men hewn from the quarry, where they by nature lie! What an impenetrable hardness is there in their hearts! They pay little, if any, attention to the word of God. They set themselves against what is spoken to them in God’s name. Their state seems almost to destroy all hope that the Gospel should ever operate effectually among them. There is also much opposition made to them by all descriptions of people. Many pretended friends, as well as open enemies, strove to impede the building of the material temple [Note: Esdras 4:1.]. They sought to prevent it even by means of a legal process [Note: Esdras 4:5.]. Thus both force and stratagem are used to stop the progress of the Gospel, and the united opposition of all ranks of men seems like an impassable mountain in its way. Those too who are employed in erecting this spiritual temple, are weak and insufficient. The work might call forth all the wisdom and energy of angels; but God has put his “treasure into earthen vessels.” Even St. Paul cried, “Who is sufficient for these things?” Much more may inferior ministers adopt his language. Whoever knows his own insufficiency for so great a work, must often have felt it a source of discouragement, and almost of despondency.]

2. The invisible temple also which God is erecting in men’s hearts, is retarded by many difficulties and obstructions—

[The Christian finds many outward impediments. The terrors and allurements of the world have great influence, and every Christian is, more or less, beset with these. Many, after running well for a season, are turned aside by them: yea, all find them obstacles very difficult to be surmounted. He has also many inward difficulties to encounter. The believer still feels sad remains of corruption within him. These are ever counteracting the efforts of his better principle [Note: Gálatas 5:17.], and he is often apprehensive that sin will regain its dominion. Above all, he finds his strength to he perfect weakness. He has learned by bitter experience, how weak he is. He has found, how his strongest resolutions have failed him. Hence he is led to fear, that he shall not persevere to the end.]

But whatever obstructions there be to God’s work, God will manifest,


Their utter inefficacy to arrest its progress—

God enabled Zerubbabel to proceed in spite of all opposition. Nor will He suffer any obstacles to counteract his designs—

1. The visible temple of his Church shall still be carried on—

[In the first ages of Christianity the Gospel was victorious. Neither the lusts nor prejudices of men could withstand its power. The very persecutions raised against it were overruled by Him to promote its progress [Note: Atos 8:1; Atos 8:4 and Filipenses 1:12.]: nor did the weakness of those who preached it prevent its success. That promise had then a glorious accomplishment [Note: Salmos 72:16.]—. So now neither open nor secret assaults shall prevail against the Church. Of this we are assured by Him who governs all [Note: Mateus 16:18.]

2. The invisible temple also shall be advanced in our hearts—

[The work has hitherto been maintained, notwithstanding the most unpromising appearances. It has often been advanced by the very things which seemed most likely to counteract it. There is an invisible and Almighty Agent engaged to carry it on [Note: Isaías 54:17; Salmos 138:8.]. He will fulfil what he has spoken by the prophet [Note: Lucas 3:5.]—. Of this comforting truth we may be confidently assured [Note: Filipenses 1:6.]


In what manner we should regard difficulties—

[We are apt to exaggerate the difficulties that lie in our way; but, if we inspected them more narrowly, they would often appear contemptible. “Who art thou, O great mountain?” Art thou a fiery furnace, or a den of lions? I am ready to encounter thee: for, great as thou art, “thou art not worthy to be compared with the sufferings I shall escape, or the glory that shall follow [Note: Romanos 8:18; Atos 21:13.].” However great they be, we should not be afraid to address them in the exulting language of the text. They will always, in the issue, be the means of glorifying Christ [Note: 2 Coríntios 12:9.]. Let us therefore go forward in dependence on that promise [Note: “Fear not, thou worm Jacob.…Thou shalt thresh the mountains.” Isaías 41:14. The whole passage is replete with beauty.]—.]

2. In what manner we may overcome difficulties—

[Remember who the Builder is: it is Zerubbabel, the Lord Jesus Christ; and is there any thing too hard for him? The greatest mountains before him will become a plain: he therefore must be viewed as our all-sufficient helper. If we trust in him, we shall never be disappointed. We shall surely experience the truth of that declaration [Note: Zacarias 4:9.]—. To him then let us commit ourselves with thankful adoration [Note: Jude, ver. 24, 25.]

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