Behold, he cometh with the clouds

(ιδου ερχετα μετα των νεφελων). Futuristic present middle indicative of ερχομα, a reminiscence of Daniel 7:13 (Theodotion). "It becomes a common eschatological refrain" (Beckwith) as in Marco 13:26; Marco 14:62; Mateo 24:30; Mateo 26:64; Lucas 21:27. Compare the manifestation of God in the clouds at Sinai, in the cloudy pillar, the Shekinah, at the transfiguration" (Vincent).Shall see

(οψετα). Future middle of οραω, a reminiscence of Zacarías 12:10 according to the text of Theodotion (Aquila and Symmachus) rather than the LXX and like that of Mateo 24:30 (similar combination of Daniel and Zechariah) and Apocalipsis 26:64.

This picture of the victorious Christ in his return occurs also in Apocalipsis 14:14; Apocalipsis 14:18-20; Apocalipsis 19:11-21; Apocalipsis 20:7-10.And they which

(κα οιτινες). "And the very ones who," Romans and Jews, all who shared in this act.Pierced

(εξεκεντησαν). First aorist active indicative of εκκεντεω, late compound (Aristotle, Polybius, LXX), from εκ and κεντεω (to stab, to pierce), in N.T., only here and Juan 19:37, in both cases from Zacarías 12:10, but not the LXX text (apparently proof that John used the original Hebrew or the translation of Theodotion and Aquila).Shall mourn

(κοψοντα). Future middle (direct) of κοπτω, old verb, to cut, "they shall cut themselves," as was common for mourners (Mateo 11:17; Lucas 8:52; Lucas 23:27).

From Zacarías 12:12. See also Apocalipsis 18:9.Tribes

(φυλα). Not just the Jewish tribes, but the spiritual Israel of Jews and Gentiles as in Apocalipsis 7:4-8. No nation had then accepted Christ as Lord and Saviour, nor has any yet done so.

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