Mateus 6:24

Horae Homileticae de Charles Simeon


Mateus 6:24. No man can serve two masters: for either he will hale the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and Mammon.

THE dictates of pure and undefiled religion are so remote from the apprehension of the natural man, and so contrary to his inclinations, that they need to be presented to him with the clearest evidence, and most convincing energy. Hence our blessed Lord continually illustrated his doctrines by images taken from common life, or by truths universally known and acknowledged. The irreconcileableness of the service of God with the service of Mammon is very little considered: the world in general have no idea of it: but the impossibility of being wholly at the disposal of two earthly masters is obvious enough; because, when their commands interfere with each other, the servant, in obeying one, must disobey the other; and in cleaving to one, must, virtually, renounce the other. This being acknowledged, we are prepared to confess the same in relation to God and Mammon. It is thus that our Lord introduces and confirms the aphorism before us: in discoursing upon which, we shall shew,

I. The import of our Lord’s assertion—

“Mammon” is a Syriac word, signifying riches; and it is the great idol to which all the world are bowing down. But as wealth is principally sought for on account of its connexion with pleasures and honour, we need not confine ourselves to the precise idea of riches; but consider Mammon as signifying the world with all its poor vanities, of whatever kind they be.

But what are we to understand by “serving” God and Mammon? Here is the difficulty; and this is a point that must be determined with much caution and judgment. When our Lord says, “Ye cannot serve God and Mammon,”

He does not mean that we cannot render them any services—

[This is not the case even with earthly masters: for we may serve two or three masters, provided they be contented with services that are partial, subordinate, or successive — — — And in such a manner as this, we may serve both God and Mammon.]

He does not mean that we cannot render them the services which are their due

[If only we clearly ascertain what services are due to each, we shall find that they are not at all incompatible with each other. Those who are averse to perform their duties to God, are very apt to represent them as inconsistent with the duties of relative and social life. But this is without any just foundation. It would be strange indeed if the duties of the two tables opposed each other: on the contrary, we cannot truly perform the one without performing the other also: in serving God, we shall serve the world; and in serving the world, we shall serve our God.]

His meaning is, that we cannot render them the services which they require

[God requires that we should love and serve him with all our heart, and mind, and soul, and strength. He requires, that every thing bad shall be renounced for him; every thing indifferent be subordinated to him; and every thing good be done with a direct reference to his will as the rule, and his glory as the end.

The world, on the contrary, prescribes laws and maxims for our conduct which God has never prescribed, yea, which he has expressly forbidden. And it is in this contrariety of the one to the other, that we must look for the fuller explanation of the words before us.]
Let us then proceed to state, in reference to this assertion,


The grounds and reasons of it—

If it be asked, Why can we not serve both God and Mammon? we answer, Because,

1. Their interests are different—

[God has a cause which is exceeding dear to him; a cause which occupied his mind from all eternity, and for the promotion of which he has given his only-begotten Son to die for us, and his blessed Spirit to instruct us. The interest he pursues, is the reign of Christ on earth, and the establishment of his kingdom throughout the world [Note: Apocalipse 11:15.]. He longs to bring down heaven upon earth, that men may be, as nearly as possible, in a paradisiacal state, and in a constant meetness for glory [Note: 2 Pedro 3:13.].

The world knows nothing of such an interest as this: it proposes nothing of the kind: on the contrary, to please and gratify the carnal mind is the one scope of all its plans. In pursuit of this it labours to draw away its votaries from the consideration of heavenly things, and to fix their attention upon the things of time and sense.
What prospect have we then of rendering acceptable service to those whose interests are so widely different?]

2. Their commands are contrary—

[God commands us to “make our light shine before men:” he tells us “not to be conformed to this world,” but to “come out from it,” and to be “crucified to it through the cross of Christ;” and not only to “have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather to reprove them.”
Against all this the world sets its face. It does not approve that we should serve God even in secret: but that we should trouble others with our light, this is insufferable. How peremptory it is in its commands respecting this, may be seen in every age, from the time of Cain to this present moment [Note: João 7:7; 2 Timóteo 3:12. See a specimen, Ester 3:8; Atos 16:19; Atos 17:6.].

Now how is it possible that we should render obedience to both these masters? The one says, “Arise, shine:” the other says, “Make the Holy One of Israel to cease from before us.” It is evident, that, whichever we obey, we must of necessity disobey the other.]

3. Their services are inconsistent—

[This appears in part from what has been already spoken. But the inconsistency is expressly and frequently stated by God himself. “If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him [Note: 1 João 2:15.]:” “the friendship of the world is enmity with God [Note: Tiago 4:4.]:” “the minding of earthly things marks us enemies of the cross of Christ [Note: Efésios 3:18.]:” “the carnal mind is enmity against God [Note: Romanos 8:7.];” and “we must mortify it, if ever we would live [Note: Romanos 8:13.].”

Here the point is determined by God himself: and it is carried further than under the preceding head: for, if we would serve God acceptably, we must not only in some things disobey the commands of the world, but must utterly renounce all kind of allegiance to it. We must even oppose it, and fight against it. To parley with it, is perfidy; to make a truce with it, is treason.]

People standing very differently affected towards the world, we must address,

Those who are altogether servants of the world—

[Too many, alas! think not of any thing but the world: they find no pleasure but in its services. Now, we grant that its service is pleasing to flesh and blood: but to whom has it ever afforded solid and permanent satisfaction? — — — But suppose it could satisfy us here, what can it do for us hereafter? If we have served it, we must look to it for our reward. We cannot expect any reward from God, except indeed that which our contempt of him has merited, “indignation and wrath, tribulation and anguish.”]

2. Those who are endeavouring to unite the services of God and Mammon—

[Notwithstanding our Lord has so plainly declared the absurdity of all such attempts, men will not be persuaded to desist from them. They think that they may serve God sufficiently to secure his blessing, and yet serve the world in such a manner as to retain its favour. But, in addition to what our Lord has spoken, such persons have also within themselves a demonstration that their wishes are impracticable. What is the state of their minds after mixing with worldly company, and drinking of the cup of worldly pleasures? Can they go to their God with freedom, and find access to him with confidence? Have they any enlargement of heart in their addresses to him? Are not their services a mere form—a cold, lifeless ceremony, in which they find no pleasure, and from which they derive no benefit? Is it not manifest that they make no progress in religion, and that, while their services are divided, the world has their hearts? Such people’s religion answers no other end than to deceive and ruin them for ever: for God is “a jealous God;” and will despise the offerings of a divided heart.]

3. Those who are halting between the two—

[Many are convinced that they ought to serve God alone; and yet they know not how to turn their backs upon the world: they are afraid of the contempt and ridicule which they shall incur, or of some losses which they shall sustain: and therefore they are undecided in their minds, how to act. But what folly is this! Is not the approbation of God and of our own conscience sufficient to counterbalance all the frowns of the world? and is not heaven sufficient to compensate for any sufferings which we can be called to endure on earth? Let it only be remembered that eternity is at hand; and that will be sufficient to make all the concerns of time to appear lighter than vanity itself. Our Lord has plainly told us, that we must “hate even our life itself, if we would be his disciples.” Let us then make our choice: “If Mammon be God, let us serve him; but if Jehovah be God, let us serve him [Note: 1 Reis 18:21.].” Let us say, with Joshua, “We will serve the Lord [Note: Josué 24:15.].”]

4. Those who are decidedly in the service of their God—

[Who amongst you has ever found reason to regret that he took a decided part? Who has not found it a ground of exceeding thankfulness to God for enabling him so to act? Go on then, having the world under your feet, and God in your hearts. Be bold, yet be meek, in the service of your Lord. Be meek, I say, and patient under any trials you may meet with. You must carefully distinguish between the ways of the world and the people of it: the former you are to regard with aversion; the latter with pity. Let it be seen in your temper, as well as in your conduct, “whose you are, and whom you serve.” Shew that, though you refuse to be servants to the world, you are its greatest benefactors. And look forward to the day when God will acknowledge and reward your services in the presence of the assembled universe.]

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