Mateus 10:5-7

Horae Homileticae de Charles Simeon


Mateus 10:5. These twelve Jesus sent forth and commanded them. saying. Go not into the way of the Gentiles and into any city of the Samaritans enter ye not: but go rather to the lost sheep of the house of Israel. And as ye go. preach. saying. The kingdom of heaven is at hand.

AFTER our blessed Lord had chosen his twelve servants. whom he called apostles. he gave them a commission to go forth and proclaim his advent. just as his forerunner. John the Baptist. had already done. But. considering the unbounded benevolence of our blessed Lord and that he was really come in order to save the whole world. we are rather surprised at the charge he gave them. especially as contrasted with the commission which he gave them after he was risen from the dead and which is now given to all who preach in his name. We propose to consider,

I. The restriction imposed on them—

They were commanded to proclaim that the kingdom of heaven was at hand—
[By “the kingdom of heaven” was meant the kingdom which the Messiah was appointed to establish. The expression. “the kingdom of heaven.” was generally so understood at that time; and the people to whom the Apostles were sent. were in no danger of misapprehending the tidings which they heard. The whole nation of the Jews were then expecting their Messiah: and. though they formed very erroneous notions respecting the nature of his kingdom. they were persuaded that he was to be a King and to reign over them and to put all his enemies under his feet. The same proclamation and in the very same terms. had been made by John the Baptist [Note: Mateus 3:2.] and by our Lord himself [Note: Mateus 4:17.]: so that the office of the Apostles was not to bring new tidings to the people’s ears, but only to call their attention to the truth which had already been extensively circulated throughout the land.]

But in the execution of their commission, they were restricted to the house of Israel—
[They were “not to go into the way of the Gentiles, or to enter into any city of the Samaritans” but to give an exclusive attention to “the lost sheep of the house of Israel.” The Jews, though professing to belong to God, were really “lost sheep,” having gone astray from him, and wandered far from his fold.
But whence arose this restriction, and this extraordinary partiality towards the Jewish people? It arose, I apprehend, partly from the relation in which they stood to God, and partly from the very tidings themselves which were at that time to be proclaimed.

The Jews were God’s peculiar people, with whom he had entered into covenant, and who had been consecrated to him by the sacred rite of circumcision. They were regarded by God as “his first-born;” who were therefore entitled to a priority in every thing which related to their Father’s inheritance. Besides, they had been taught to expect the Messiah to be born among them, descended, like them, from Abraham, and of the family of David, whose throne he was destined to inherit. To them, therefore, the tidings would be welcome: and when he should have been received by them who were best capable of judging of his pretensions to the Messiahship, he might with greater propriety and credibility be commended to the Gentiles as their Saviour also: whereas, if he should be in the first instance proclaimed as a Saviour to the Gentiles, a suspicion might naturally arise, in the minds of those to whom he was proclaimed, that he was unwarrantably obtruded upon them, and that his title to that august character would not stand the test of careful inquiry.
In addition to this, it had been foretold, that “the law should go forth out of Zion, and the word of the Lord from Jerusalem [Note: Isaías 2:3.]; and, consequently, the Gospel must first be established there, in order that it might proceed from thence. Hence, even after our Lord’s resurrection, it was enjoined on the Apostles to preach the Gospel, “beginning at Jerusalem [Note: Lucas 24:47.]:” and though the restriction before referred to was then withdrawn, a priority was still reserved to God’s ancient people; “salvation being intended for the Jew first, and then for the Gentile [Note: Romanos 1:16.].”]

With thankfulness to God, we now proceed to notice,


The liberty accorded to us—

The tidings which we are commissioned to declare are more full and complete than those which the Apostles were then authorized to announce—
[They could declare only that “the kingdom of heaven was at hand:” but we proclaim, that it is actually established; that the Lord Jesus Christ has vanquished all the powers of darkness, “triumphing over them openly upon his cross [Note: Colossenses 2:15.],” and, in his ascension, “leading captivity itself captive [Note: Efésios 4:8.].” He is now enthroned at the right hand of God; and will, in due season, “put all enemies under his feet.” True it is, that though his kingdom is at present but very limited, it shall be extended over the face of the globe, and all the kingdoms of the world be comprehended under it [Note: Romanos 11:15.]. This we, no less than the Apostles, are authorized to declare: and whilst our authority is the same,]

Our commission is far more extended than theirs—
[Wherever there is a lost sheep, whether amongst Jews or Gentiles, there are we at liberty to invite the perishing creature to the good Shepherd, and to bring him home to the fold of God. The commission given to us is, to “go into all the world, and to preach the Gospel to every creature:” and wherever there is a rebel against God, we may call upon him to lay down his arms, and to submit to the gentle yoke of Jesus, who is “King of kings, and Lord of lords.” Nay more: we are authorized to assure every sinner under heaven, that if only he come to Jesus, “he shall in no wise be cast out.” Cast out, do I say? He shall, from being an alien from the commonwealth of Israel, and a stranger from the covenants of promise, having no hope, and without God in the world, however far he may have been from God, he shall be brought nigh by the blood of Christ [Note: Efésios 2:12.]: and, from being a “stranger and a foreigner, he shall be a fellow-citizen with the saints, and of the household of God [Note: Efésios 2:19.].” There is not a blessing enjoyed by any subject of the Redeemer’s kingdom, which shall not be freely imparted unto him: and not in this world only, but also in the world to come. Even’ subject of the Redeemer’s kingdom shall himself be made a king. He must tight indeed as “a good soldier of Jesus Christ” but victory shall surely be secured to him; and, having overcome his spiritual enemies, he shall be a partaker of his Saviour’s glory, and “sit down with him upon his throne, even as he also overcame and is set down with his Father upon his throne.” Such is the kingdom of God, as it was preached by St. Paul [Note: Atos 20:25; Atos 28:31.]; and to a participation of it I invite every soul that hears me this day.]

Now then learn,

What evidence there is of our commission—

[You may well inquire what authority we have to declare these things; and expect that we should be able to adduce some testimony from God himself, as a seal to our ministry. Behold then, in a spiritual sense, the very testimonies with which the Apostles themselves were honoured. Did they “heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, and cast out devils [Note: ver. 8.]?” Such are the effects wrought by our Gospel also, on the souls of men. Say, brethren, Are there none of you that were once sick, and leprous, yea, “dead in trepasses and sins,” and “led captive by the devil at his will;” and that have, through the ministry of the word, been “delivered from the power of darkness, and translated into the kingdom of God’s dear Son [Note: Colossenses 1:13.]?” I trust that there are amongst you such “seals to our ministry [Note: 1 Coríntios 9:2.],” and such witnesses for God in this sinful world. But where are these effects ever produced by any other doctrine than, that which is here announced? Where are men “turned from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan unto God,” by any other doctrine than that which Paul preached, the doctrine of the Cross? If, then, this doctrine have wrought effectually amongst you, and be the only doctrine which is the power of God to the salvation of men, then have you an evidence that “the kingdom of God is come unto you [Note: Mateus 12:28.].”]

2. What benefit you will derive from receiving our testimony—

[Form to yourselves an idea of all that the wisest and greatest monarch can bestow upon his most endeared favourites, and you will fall infinitely short of what the Lord Jesus will confer on you — — —]

3. what necessity is laid upon you to submit to Christ—

[If those who slighted the ministrations of the Apostles, who could only say that the kingdom of heaven was at hand, were in a state “more intolerable than that of Sodom and Gomorrha [Note: ver. 15.],” what think you must be the state of those who pour contempt upon it now that it is established? I pray God, my brethren, that this guilt may never attach to you; lest, in the last day, the Saviour himself issue respecting you that awful sentence, “Bring hither those that were mine enemies, who would not that 1 should reign over them, and slay them before me.”]

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1 Tessalonicenses 2:16; 2 Reis 17:24; Atos 1:8; Atos 10:45; Atos 11:1