Zacarias 9:9

Horae Homileticae de Charles Simeon


Zacarias 9:9. Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion; shout, O daughter of Jerusalem: behold, thy King cometh unto thee: he is just, and having salvation: lowly, and riding upon an ass, and upon a colt the foal of an ass.

THERE is scarcely any circumstance relating to the life and death of Christ which was not made a subject of prophecy many hundred years before he came into the world. Even things the most improbable in themselves were predicted, that by their accomplishment the truth of his divine mission might be more fully manifest. That the words before us do indeed relate to him, is certain; because the voice of inspiration assures us that they were fulfilled when he entered into Jerusalem riding on the foal of an ass. In discoursing on them we shall consider,

I. The description here given of Jesus—

In his office he is the “King of Zion”—

[The whole universe is under his dominion, seeing that he is “King of kings, and Lord of lords.” But he is in a more eminent manner King of Zion, because all the members of Zion are his subjects willingly and by an unfeigned surrender of themselves to him. They gladly receive his laws; and he constantly affords them his protection. As the Church in the wilderness was under a visible theocracy, so is the Church in all ages, and every individual in the Church, really, though invisibly, under the care and government of Jesus [Note: Efésios 1:22.]

In his character he is the best of princes—

He is just—
[His justice appears in every law which he has enacted, and his righteousness in every part of his administration. There are indeed many things in his government, which we are not at present able to account for; but the day of judgment will clear up all the present obscurities, and manifest, that every the minutest occurrence was ordered by him with unerring wisdom, goodness, and truth. It will then be seen that “righteousness was at all times the girdle of his loins, and faithfulness the girdle of his reins [Note: Isaías 11:5.].”]

He is powerful—
[Earthly kings may be just, yet not be able to screen their subjects from the injustice of others. But Jesus “has salvation” in his hand for all those who call upon him. Does sin oppress us? he can deliver us both from its guilt and power. Does Satan assault and buffet us? “His grace shall he sufficient” for the weakest of his people. Does “the fear of death keep us in bondage?” He can make us triumphant both in the prospect of it now, and in a happy resurrection at the last day.]

He is lowly—
[Great power and dignity are too often the means of engendering pride in our hearts. The kings of the earth would think it a degradation to converse familiarly with their meanest subjects; but our Almighty Monarch possesses a lowliness of mind, which makes him accessible to every subject in his dominions. There is not any moment when we may not enter into his presence, nor any complaint which we may not pour into his bosom. His ear is ever open to hear, and his hand ever stretched out to relieve, his needy suppliants. The same lowliness which induced him, at his triumphant entry into Jerusalem, to ride upon a young ass, with no other furniture than the clothes of his poor disciples, when he might as easily have commanded all the pomp and splendour of an earthly monarch, still actuates him in his exalted state. There is no office to which he will not condescend for the benefit of those who wait upon him.]
From this description of Jesus we may well be prepared to hear,


The exhortation to rejoice in his advent—

The advent of such a prince is a proper ground of joy for all people—
[When first he came in the flesh, the event was announced by angels as glad-tidings of great joy to all people. And all the multitudes who surrounded him at the time referred to in the text, were penetrated with the liveliest joy. And is there not now as much cause for joy as on either of those occasions? Are not the great ends of his advent better understood now than at his incarnation? and the nature of his kingdom more clearly seen than at the time of his triumphant entry into Jerusalem? Surely then our joy should far surpass all that could be experienced at those seasons. How should poor captives now rejoice to hear that there is one proclaiming liberty to the captives and the opening of the prison to them that are bound! If an earthly king were coming not only to redress all the grievances of his people, but to relieve all their wants, and enrich them with all that their hearts could desire, would not all exult and leap for joy? Would not every one be impatient to see him, and to receive his benefits? Why then should not all rejoice in the advent of Him, who is come to bind up the broken-hearted, and to give them beauty for ashes, the oil of joy for mourning, and the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness?]
But the “daughters of Zion” in particular should rejoice in this event—
[The daughters of Zion are the true members of the church, who have been begotten by the Word and Spirit of God. These are addressed by the prophet, and are bidden to exult and “shout” for joy. Well does the prophet select them as the persons to whom he should direct his exhortation. “Let them give thanks whom the Lord hath redeemed.” They know the glorious character of their prince. They have found both his laws and government to be “holy and just and good.” They have experienced his power to save, “to save to the uttermost those that call upon him.” They have continual proofs of his lowliness, being admitted daily to the most intimate fellowship with him. Should not they then rejoice? “Surely the very stones would cry out against them it they held their peace.” “Behold” then, believers, your King, even he whom you have chosen to reign over you, is come. He now waits for you. “Arise, lo! he calleth you.” Go, enter into his presence-chamber, and receive the blessings which he is come to bestow.]


[Are there any who feel no disposition to rejoice in this event? Alas! too many, like Herod and the Pharisees, cannot join in the general chorus. Let them not, however, imagine themselves related to the church of God: they are daughters of the world, but not daughters of Zion; nor need they have any other evidence of their alienation from God, than their want of joy in the Lord. How base is their ingratitude! that the Lord of glory should come down from heaven for them, and they have no hearts to welcome his arrival: that they should be gratified with the company of an earthly friend, and have no delight in communion with Jesus. Surely if they were to have all the curses of God’s law inflicted on them, who served not the Lord with joyfulness and gladness of heart on account of the temporal benefits bestowed upon them [Note: Deuteronômio 28:45; Deuteronômio 28:47.], they must have a far heavier condemnation, who so despise the condescension and love of our incarnate God. Mark then the alternative to which ye are reduced; ye must begin now that joy in the Lord which ye shall possess for ever, or, by continuing insensible of his mercy, continue destitute of any interest in it to all eternity. Choose ye now whether ye will have life or death: remember, however necessary it may be at other times to weep for your sins, it is to joy that we now invite you; not to carnal joy, but to that which is spiritual and heavenly. We unite with the Apostle in saying, “Rejoice in the Lord alway, and again, I say, Rejoice.” Methinks such an exhortation should not be slighted, especially when your present joy is to be a certain prelude to eternal happiness: but if ye will still despise the mercies of your God, behold this King cometh shortly to judge the world; behold he cometh riding upon the heavens with myriads of the heavenly host: know too that he is just and powerful; but his justice will condemn, and his power punish you. Go to him then in this day of salvation, welcome him in this the accepted time; so shall you, at his second coming, behold his face with joy, and join the choir of heaven in everlasting hallelujahs.]

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