Not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think

(μη υπερφρονειν παρ' ο δε φρονειν). Indirect negative command after λεγω (I say). Play on the two infinitives φρονειν, to think, and υπερφρονειν (old verb from υπερφρων, over-proud, here only in N.T.) to "over-think" with παρ' ο (beyond what) added. Then another play on φρονειν and σωφρονειν (old verb from σωφρων, sober-minded), to be in one's right mind (Marco 5:15; 2 Corintios 5:13). Self-conceit is here treated as a species of insanity.A measure of faith

(μετρον πιστεως). Accusative case, the object of the verb εμερισεν. Each has his gift from God (1 Corintios 3:5; 1 Corintios 4:7). There is no occasion for undue pride.To each man

(εκαστω). Emphatic position before ως (as) and emphasizes the diversity.

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Antiguo Testamento