Did they stumble that they might fall?

(μη επταισαν ινα πεσωσιν?). Negative answer expected by μη as in verse Romanos 11:1. First aorist active indicative of πταιω, old verb, to stumble, only here in Paul (see Santiago 3:2), suggested perhaps by σκανδαλον in verse Romanos 11:9.

If ινα is final, then we must add "merely" to the idea, "merely that they might fall" or make a sharp distinction between πταιω, to stumble, and πιπτω, to fall, and take πεσωσιν as effective aorist active subjunctive to fall completely and for good. Hινα, as we know, can be either final, sub-final, or even result. See 1 Tesalonicenses 5:4; 1 Corintios 7:29; Gálatas 5:17.

Paul rejects this query in verse Romanos 11:11 as vehemently as he did that in verse Romanos 11:1.By their fall

(τω αυτων παραπτωματ). Instrumental case. For the word, a falling aside or a false step from παραπιπτω, see Romanos 5:15-20.Is come

. No verb in the Greek, but γινετα or γεγονεν is understood.For to provoke them to jealousy

(εις το παραζηλωσα). Purpose expressed by εις and the articular infinitive, first aorist active, of παραζηλοω, for which verb see 1 Corintios 10:22. As an historical fact Paul turned to the Gentiles when the Jews rejected his message (Hechos 13:45; Hechos 28:28, etc.).The riches of the world

(πλουτος κοσμου). See Romanos 10:12.Their loss

(το ηττημα αυτων). So perhaps in 1 Corintios 6:7, but in Isaías 31:8 defeat is the idea. Perhaps so here.Fulness

(πληρωμα). Perhaps "completion," though the word from πληροω, to fill, has a variety of senses, that with which anything is filled (1 Corintios 10:26; 1 Corintios 10:28), that which is filled (Efesios 1:23).How much more?

(ποσω μαλλον). Argument a fortiori as in verse Romanos 11:24. Verse Romanos 11:25 illustrates the point.

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