Gálatas 3:13,14

Série de livros didáticos de estudo bíblico da College Press

Justificação pela fé provada pela morte de Cristo na Cruz. Gálatas 3:13-14

TEXTO 3:13, 14

(13) Cristo nos resgatou da maldição da lei, fazendo-se maldição por nós; porque está escrito: Maldito todo aquele que for pendurado no madeiro; (14) para que sobre os gentios venha a bênção de Abraão em Cristo Jesus; para que possamos receber a promessa do Espírito pela fé.


13 Wherefore, justification according to the tenor, whether of the law of nature or of the law of Moses, being a thing impossible in our present sinful state, Christ, ever since the fall, hath bought us all off from the curse of the law; consequently hath bought us off from law itself, as a rule of justification; having become an accursed person, a person most ignominiously punished for us: for it is written, Most ignominiously punished is every one who is hanged on a tree.

14 This deliverance Christ hath wrought, that the blessing of justification by faith, promised to Abraham, might come on the nations through Christ Jesus, Abraham's seed; and that we Gentiles might receive the promised gifts of the Spirit through faith, as the evidence of our being justified by faith, and of our being the sons of God.


Christ redeemed us from the curse of the law


What was the curse of the law?


The curse followed a breaking of the law.


All men broke the law, so as long as men lived under the law the curse hung over them.


The curse is the wrath of God: banishment from God and death.


The important thing is to see the liberation obtained by Christ.


Under Christ you are counted righteous by faith even though you do not obtain perfection.


Observe how Christ frees us.


He forgives us of sin.


He takes away the dominion of the law.


He gives us a motive for living righteously.


It is not a terror of the law, but love.


It is a spontaneous devotion.


The word redeem and the word ransom are used frequently by Paul.


Give his life a ransom. Mateus 20:28


Life a ransom for many. 1 Timóteo 2:6


Ye were bought. 1 Coríntios 6:20; 1 Coríntios 7:23


That he might redeem us. Tito 2:14

having become a curse for us


I believe that Jerome says this verse can not refer to Jesus, but I believe if Jerome believes that, he must not refer to this verse.


Paul is not saying that Christ was guilty but that it was for our behalf.


The sentence of death has been pronounced upon a sinful world, but Christ took the penalty upon Himself.


On February 9, 1951, television showed a German being released from prison after having served for his father who was condemned as a war criminal.


The Scriptures teach that Christ died for us.


Isaías 53:12 He bare the sins of many.


Cf. 1 Coríntios 15:3


An extreme position teaches that Christ actually became sin.


When He became a curse:


He became Peter the liar.


He became Paul the persecutor.


He became David the adulterer.


He became Noah the drunkard.


He became Adam the disobedient.


2 Coríntios 5:21 is quoted as proof text: he made to be sin. that we might become the righteousness of God.


To ascribe all the sin of man to Christ to make him guilty is not what Paul is teaching.


A person who substitutes for another serves as though he were guilty.


The result is the same as though he had sinned.

The following is a special outline of the subject, Curse for us.


We best understand this from the Old Testament.


Curse has in it the idea of atonement for our sins.


Whatever was offered as an atonement for sin was considered as bearing the punishment due to sin.


Whoever was hanged was cursed of God and was not to hang over night but to be buried at once to get it out of sight. Deuteronômio 21:22-23


The Prophets picture Him as a curse.


Jehovah hath laid on him the iniquity of us all. Isaías 53:6


Behold, the Lamb of God, that taketh away the sin of the world! João 1:29


Christ became a successful curse.


Triumphing over them. Colossenses 2:15


Condemned sin in the flesh. Romanos 8:3


The scope of Christ as a curse.


Christ's cross delivers from the penalty of sin.


Christ as God's right hand delivers from the power of sin.


Christ at His coming will deliver from the presence of sin.

Observe that everything that Christ did was for us!

for it is written, Cursed is every one that hangeth on a tree


This is a quote from Deuteronômio 21:22-23


Ordinarily we say stoning was the Jewish method of capital punishment and hanging on a cross was the Roman method.


Thus Jesus was put to death by the Roman method.


It was of course by Jewish request.


The following is a history of hanging:


The Egyptians practiced this before the Romans.


Pharaoh. shall hang thee on a tree. Gênesis 40:19


But he hanged the chief baker. Gênesis 40:22


... him he hanged. Gênesis 41:13


The Philistines used the method.


where the Philistines had hanged them.

2 Samuel 21:12


The Babylonians used it before the Romans.


To hang Mordecai on the gallows. Ester 6:4


The gallows fifty cubits high. Ester 7:9


him they have hanged upon the gallows. Ester 8:7


They hanged Haman's ten sons. Ester 9:14


It was a Jewish method likewise.


... and thou hang him on a tree. Deuteronômio 21:22-23


hanged on a tree. Josué 8:29


hanged them on five trees. Josué 10:26


2 Samuel 4:12(The slayers of IshboshethDavid hanged)


let him be lifted up and fastened thereon (a beam) Esdras 6:11


Judas hanged himself. Mateus 22:5


Jesus was spoken of as hanging on a tree.


Jesus, whom ye slew, hanging him on a tree. Atos 5:30


Whom also they slew, hanging him on a tree. Atos 10:39


The conclusion of Paul's argument.


The law brought a curse upon all men.


Christ took the curse upon Himself.


Now in Christ we are free, saved, redeemed; why go back to the curse?


The cross is not actually stated in Galatians, but its power is taught. Paul refers to such ideas as gave Himself for our sins (Gálatas 1:4) to place salvation before us.

The poet has beautifully expressed truth about the cross.

The Cross

The cross is such a simple thing,
Yet of it man may talk and sing,
It is a ladder to the skies,
On which a mounting soul may rise.
To some it is a stumbling block
That causes man to curse and mock;
To others who their sins bemoan
It can become a stepping stone.
The cross is such a simple thing,
And yet it touches everything.
We cannot feel that such a sign
Is other than a power divine.

In his book, Christian Primer, Louis Cassells tells a modern parable which seeks to explain something of the mystery of the incarnation. He describes a father who remained at home while the rest of the family went to church on Christmas Eve. I am truly sorry to distress you the man said to his wife, but I simply cannot understand this claim that God became man. It doesn-'t make sense to me.

Later while he was reading his paper beside the fireplace, he heard a peculiar thudding sound coming from outside the living room door. He went to the door to investigate and discovered that it had begun to snow heavily and a flock of small birds were fluttering about in an effort to find shelter. I can-'t let those poor creatures lie there and freeze, he thinks to himself, but how can I help them? He thought of the small barn where his children keep their pony, so he opens the door and turns on the light and tries to shoo the birds inside.

But they fly off in all directions. He can-'t make them understand he wants to help them. He thinks of food as a possible enticement so he scatters bread crumbs up to the barn door. But the birds continue to ignore his efforts. They find me a strange and terrifying creature, he thinks to himself, and I can-'t seem to find any way to let them know that they can trust me. If only I could be a bird myself for a few moments, perhaps I could lead them to safety.

At that moment he hears the church bells begin to ring, and the inner significance of the coming of Jesus dawns on his consciousness for the first time. He sinks to his knees in the snow. Now I understand, he whispers, now I see why you had to do it. At this time of year, we reflect upon this truth of the incarnation. Jesus is our greatest gift.


Francis M. Arant developed a great sermon on the subject of Redemption which means to recover, buy back, or to restore that which was lost. His outline is as follows:

1. The Purpose: All have sinned (Romanos 3:23) and have sold themselves (1 Reis 21:20) to be servants of sin (Romanos 6:17). The purpose is to save, and a Saviour must be found.

2. The Plan: From the sacrifices of Adam, and the prophecy concerning the seed of woman to come (Gênesis 3:15) the plan is unfolded in the Old Testament, but not clearly understood (Colossenses 1:26) until the message of the Gospel illuminates the Old Testament and makes Redemption plain.

3. The Price: No one less than the divine-human Son of God could pay the price. We are redeemed. by the precious blood of Christ. without blemish and without spot (1 Pedro 1:18-19). He was willing and so was God, because of love for the lost (João 3:16; Efésios 1:7, Filipenses 3:5-11).

4. The Power: All may be justified by His blood (Romanos 5:9) if willing to believe, repent and be baptized (Marcos 16:16; Atos 2:38). That power in the gospel is unto salvation (Romanos 1:16) and never lessens (Hebreus 13:8) and is unto the uttermost (Hebreus 7:25).

5. The People: All the redeemed are added to the church by God Himself (Atos 2:47). They become a kingdom that cannot be shaken (Hebreus 12:28), and the gates of Hell shall not prevail against it. (Mateus 16:18).

So what shall we do? Accept Christ with a whole heart, work faithfully in His Church, be a Christian! Here lies our only hope and it is the abundant life!


To redeem (exagorazoex ah goh RAHD zo) is to buy back at personal expense. The simpler form agorazo is often used of buying slaves. We have sold ourselves as slaves to sin, and Christ had to buy us back (1 Coríntios 6:20; 1 Pedro 1:18-19). The price was not paid to Satan, but to divine justice to satisfy the debt.


that upon the Gentiles might come the blessings of Abraham


The promise was, In thee shall all the families of the earth be blessed. Gênesis 12:3


To become a blessing to all, Christ had to become a curse for all.

that we might receive the promise of the Spirit


This may refer to the following relationships:


the spirit of adoption. Romanos 8:15


the gift of the Spirit. Atos 2:38


he shall give another comforter. João 14:16


if I go, I will send him (the comforter) unto you. João 16:7


Does he mean that we might receive the Spirit or the promise of the Spirit?


Many commentators ignore this question as though it is not present.


It is likely the promise of the spiritual blessings is referred to.


This promise is not stated explicitly to Abraham but implied. Gênesis 22:17-18


It is expressly mentioned by the prophets.


I will pour my Spirit upon thy seed. Isaías 44:3


I have poured out my Spirit. Ezequiel 39:29


I will pour out my Spirit upon all Flesh. Joel 2:28

through faith


Remember, O foolish Galatians, it is obtained through faith in Christ.


Faith in Christ would not only save them for eternity but from foolishness.


God's grace can apply only to those who want it.
When one hears the redemption story and rejects it, then God's grace will not apply to him. Perhaps we can see this principle more clearly in a legal case which took place in Pennsylvania back in 1829. In that year a condemned murderer named George Wilson refused the pardon offered to him by President Andrew Jackson. The Chief Justice of the Supreme Court reluctantly made this ruling: If (pardon) is refused, it is no longer a pardon.

George Wilson must die.
The point is, of course, that God loves us and wants us to love Him in return. But He will not force anyone to enter into union with Him. Jesus-' invitation still applies: Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.



Were all men under the curse of the law, or just the Hebrews?


Is this verse applicable to us, if he is speaking of the law of Moses?


Who all is meant by the word us?


What enables us to escape the curse?


Does this mean that we live Christ's way perfectly although we could not live perfectly in accord with the simple ten commandments?


How then does God consider us righteous?


Define the words redeem and ransom.


Why would Galatians go back to the thing that they were redeemed from?


What did Christ become for us, as expressed in this verse?


Did Christ become a curse, actually?


Was all the sin of the world laid upon Christ? Cf. Isaías 53:12; 2 Coríntios 5:21


Did Christ serve as the sacrifice as though he were guilty?


Is it possible for one person to be guilty in place of another?


Is assuming one's punishment the same as assuming one's guilt?


Is the how Christ did it as important as the fact of it?


Was Christ a successful curse for us?


Name three areas in which Christ was a successful curse as indicated under scope.


What text is quoted by Paul to back up his teaching concerning a curse?


Why would Moses refer to hanging when the common Jewish method of punishment was stoning?


Give evidence that Jews were also hanged.


Paulo ensina aqui que a maldição era apenas para os judeus?


Cristo se tornou uma maldição para todos a fim de ser uma bênção para todos os homens?


Ele ensina que a maldição também trouxe o Espírito?


O Espírito foi prometido a Abraão?


Os profetas predisseram o Espírito?


Como o Espírito é obtido pela lei ou pela fé?


Por que os homens buscariam a lei, quando ela não pode produzir o Espírito?

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Notas da tradução de Darby (1890)

3:13 redimiu (k-3) _Exagorazo_ . só aqui e ch. 4,5; Efésios 5:16 ; Colossenses 4:5 , 'para comprar'. escrito, (l-21) Veja Deuteronômio 21:23 ....

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O ilustrador bíblico

_Cristo nos redimiu da maldição da lei, sendo feito maldição por nós._ PECADO E REDENÇÃO I. A execração divina do pecado. 1. Sob um governo moral, um governador justo irá, sim, deve, anexar bênçãos...

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Diálogo de Justino Então eu respondi: "Assim como Deus ordenou que o sinal fosse feito pela serpente de bronze, e ainda assim Ele é irrepreensível; assim, ainda que haja maldição na lei contra os cru...

Sinopses de John Darby

Que perda, terrível e irreparável, perder tal Cristo, como nós, sob a graça, O conhecemos; tal justiça; tal amor; o Filho de Deus nossa porção, nossa vida; o Filho de Deus consagrado por nós, e para n...

Tesouro do Conhecimento das Escrituras

1 João 2:1; 1 João 2:2; 1 João 4:10; 1 Pedro 1:18; 1 Pedro 2:24;...